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Commander's Working together

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Now, This is something I talked to my BCMD about a few ago and I really just want to see what the CMD's on the server feel about this. 
Maybe having a discord (similar to the BCMD Discord) Where all the CMDs can connect.  
As a tester and a pretty cool guy lol: 
Help us work together 
learn from each other 
Give each other advice 
A better way to connect with each other, other than just in-game or in TeamSpeak. 
eh  you guys can find some  i really can't. 
Now I'm just asking for feedback as if you guys agree i don't want to be the one to set anything up. I'm simply presenting this to you guys. 

212th Head Commander Longshot.  

Edited by CBlake
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6 minutes ago, Carter said:

Can you expand on this idea?

Do you want them to have weekly meetings with each other?

I mean we could. That could go with my idea.  I just feel that some of the battalion's that struggle some times could have a better chance to get help from other battalion's if we had a place were we could always have contact. like how the BCMD's have a discord to keep in touch. It would benefit the CMDs to have something similar so we can start instead of working away from each other. we could work more together, learn different ways to help run our battalions from each other.  overall I wanna get feedback about finding a way to always have contact with the other battalions high command other than just in game or in ts as some are not always in game or in ts.   

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Well personally, I don't see it working. It would either be used by absolutely nobody, or used for literally meme-posting by many. The only way it wouldn't be cancer and might actually be active is if the High-Command were in it, but they have the BCMD+ discord to worry about. There are flaws just as much as there are advantages.

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1 hour ago, Core said:

Only BCMD+ Zyner


Talked over it in the staff Discord, I'll be bringing it up during Commander Meeting.

As Doc said, while i am equal to BCMD I fully carry out the same duties and act as such in the batt - with that being said I have the best interest in mind for the 104th so I am under the impression the Discord is for BCMDs to dicuss Battalion matters in which i would want to be involved.

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2 minutes ago, Zyner said:

Talked over it in the staff Discord, I'll be bringing it up during Commander Meeting.

As Doc said, while i am equal to BCMD I fully carry out the same duties and act as such in the batt - with that being said I have the best interest in mind for the 104th so I am under the impression the Discord is for BCMDs to dicuss Battalion matters in which i would want to be involved.

I do t see why you are making it such a big deal trying to get into something BCMD+, that like me saying “well I know how Jedi works so I should be given the master doc” you either AREA OR ARE not the rank, does not matter if you are equivalent in it in your battalion

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19 minutes ago, Zyner said:

Talked over it in the staff Discord, I'll be bringing it up during Commander Meeting.

As Doc said, while i am equal to BCMD I fully carry out the same duties and act as such in the batt - with that being said I have the best interest in mind for the 104th so I am under the impression the Discord is for BCMDs to dicuss Battalion matters in which i would want to be involved.

You may be equal but its postitions you apply for bcmd reg senior marshal yoda admiral etc 

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7 minutes ago, woeny23 said:

You may be equal but its postitions you apply for bcmd reg senior marshal yoda admiral etc 

We talked it over in staff discord, im voiding any attempt. It just kept being brought up how I menioned my equal ranking but my main point was I just wanted to help my Battalion; not that I want in because im equal rank, that was just somethibg I said to lead into how involved I am still with the 104th. We settled it though, everythings fine.

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