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Matt’s Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 501st HWS 2ndLT Matt/Jedi K Healer Manager /CEO LT Matt

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144387460




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (six sentence minimum): The reason why I want to be a administrator because I really enjoy the Community and how it runs. When I came to this sever the people were so kind and nice I decided to make my home. And also the idea being part of this community, but has not only a player but a family, makes me very in lighten to join the staff team and i always like to help as many people as I possibly can in anyway and not that many admins or on in the uk time so I want to help people out when there's not that many admins on and I want to help with the whitelisting and I could help players with mostly any problems that they might encounter.

Tell us a little about yourself (6 sentence minimum): I'm 14 year old teenager who spend his time playing star wars RP and making friend on them. When I was a kid I enjoy the star war series and becoming a nerd over star wars. And i'm told i'm a very nice person that respect everyone listen to them very carefully so that I can understand different side of everyone stories. And i'm am a anime nerd and i'm not afraid to admit it either because I was told people like you for who you are but not if you try to be someone else. And I am very loyal to a server for a long time unless people start to become dicks and other shit like that(most likely never gonna happen cause the admins are strict with people) and like I said before I loved watching Star Wars when I was a little and I still do watch it(it's fucking amazing) and I am a very nice guy but I'm also strict with some people that minge but I like to talk to them first and ask them what's the actual point in minging I like to proceed in some things like kicking them and I always loved trying people out and when I'm on I always help people and I try to go to the CC's as much as possible but I get beat to  and ps if you need me to train a cc either bring me on the second call in case I don't see it in chat or if I do I will try to go straight away 

Do you have staff on any other sever: yes a two severs  that shut down because it didn't get to many people on it. I was a super admin on it and on the second one I was an admin and I was an admin on sr

So that's my staff app, I hope you enjoy looking into and thank you for your time


Edited by Matt
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-1 Now, no offense against you but to me, you are immature. I am not referencing our past together, I just feel like you aren't very mature about certain subjects. Hopefully you don't get upset on what I have said but if you can prove to me that you're mature then I'll change it to a +1.


~BCMD Neyo/Buzz Thorison

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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-1 | I don't give many negatives especially on staff applications but, you need to be more active. I haven't seen you on in a while, especially as a Naval. The Engineer Division in naval is dying and when 2 people came up to you offering to help revive. What I heard was you turned them away. 

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6 hours ago, Andrews53 said:

-1 | I don't give many negatives especially on staff applications but, you need to be more active. I haven't seen you on in a while, especially as a Naval. The Engineer Division in naval is dying and when 2 people came up to you offering to help revive. What I heard was you turned them away. 

You just don’t like me cause I gave you criticism 

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6 hours ago, Andrews53 said:

-1 | I don't give many negatives especially on staff applications but, you need to be more active. I haven't seen you on in a while, especially as a Naval. The Engineer Division in naval is dying and when 2 people came up to you offering to help revive. What I heard was you turned them away. 

When did that happen? 

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4 hours ago, Crumpet said:

-1 for now, you've been inactive recently, I would've waited until you've been back and active for a bit before you apply for staff.

As I said before I had irl issues these past two weeks and now I back 

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Unfortunately, your application has been denied.

You may reapply in 30 days.



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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