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Acorn/Rex's Staff Application


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RP Name: 501st Battalion Commander Rex

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119464642

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Timezone: US EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be staff for a lot of reasons I’ll narrow it down to four. The first reason is I’ve been staff in the past and the feeling of helping people is one of best things to do my times being staff was some of my favorite times and I really enjoyed helping people so I’d like to do it again. Secondly, when I did tryouts for people it would always be a bit before people were able to come and whitelist, if it happens to me it can happen to others and I want to help prevent that. Thirdly, I’ve been noticing less and less events being done and while it would be a while before I could become game master that’s one of my goals as well is to become game master so that I may improve the communities enjoyment of the server. The fourth and final reason is right now my ability to help the my battalion and others on the ship is hindered because someone will ask for something and I won’t be able to do it because I am not staff I would like to prevent that issue in the future and be able to help people to my fullest extent.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

My name is Acorn I’ve been with the community for over a year now and joined back when we were still apart of IFN. I was SMOD back on IFN and a TRI I helped the trainer program and helped the server run as a whole. I have been TCL of the 501st CXO, and now BCMD I have always worked for the best interest of my battalion and will take that attitude with me into staff.

Do you have any previous staff experience



Both before the split off from IFN

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too much power -1




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Congratulations. You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 5th  to contact an Overseer (Or a Head Admin if an Overseer is not available)

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.

Your staff application was amazing. :)



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