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Darkfire / Grimm Yularen Application *Wavied*

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Steam Name:

Walter White

RP Name:

Grimm / Armand Isard

RP Rank:


Steam ID:


Why should you become Admiral?:

I believe in my time in Naval, I have came to understand what is needed and wanted from within the faction and from outside sources, we can all agree some people see Naval as a joke and I want that image to improve, I want Naval to be a great faction everyone can come to love and respect and I can achieve that with this position. Aside that I am a fun and engaging person to be around on server, I play my RP character well (I believe) and I love actively engaging with our lovely community members during events and while on Base. Being able to see a Faction I love so much flourish is a massive thing for me. My key qualities are that I am very easy to talk to, I am unbias, I always keep everyone's best interest in mind, I always want for the best possible outcome in any situation, and I just wanna make everyone happy! This is a game at the end of the day and we’re all here to have fun so i want to be someone known for help provide that fun for you all. 

When it comes to Leadership I have lots of previous experience, from being ONI Director on Halo RP to being Shock CO for over a year on a Imperial RP, I have played Gmod RP for years and understand what Naval needs in a Leader and I listen to what people in other regiments say and take feedback well, I will improve Naval and I will make the changes needed to make this faction great again. All the ideas I list below are just some of the things I've recognized as issues in my months of being Naval, it's clear a lot of changes need to be made to let Naval be in the best place possible and that can only happen from listening to it's members and feedback from the general pop playerbase. 

One thing I also want to mention is that within my time on server, I recognize that those who are RCMD, BCMD, Officers, etc are all extremely important to the flow of the server, making people want to stay and overall providing the best experience for it's players possible, I have the drive to be someone who continues to provide for everyone individually so that this great server can continue to flourish and grow, in the last few months our community has grown leaps and bounds, I believe in this position I can continue that growth and inspire it more. 

Do you understand the purpose of Naval on the server?:

I do, Naval is one of the backbone branches of the server, from the RP they conduct to the trainings they provide and even something simple such as granting PTL’s or conducting RP with senators, civilians, etc. We as Naval are important in our own way the same as every branch is in theirs. Naval is a key factor when it comes to Venator RP, BCC being run, and providing the players who enjoy slightly more serious RP a branch to join and engage with others from. 


I am on everyday throughout the week with the odd occasion where I spend a day playing games with friends.

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

Since joining the server I have made my way into 212th Officer Corps while also getting Oddball as a lore character, and in a few months in Naval I have achieved Officer Corps and got into Republic Intelligence where I achieved SIA in a week and recently got Republic Intel Director. In both of these battalions I understood the responsibilities I have and what is needed from me, I have lots of previous experience from other servers leading and I think I can bring great change and ideas to Naval.

Being an Officer or someone of a high position is more than just getting on server and providing Leadership during deployments or trainings for people in your faction / battalion, it's a position that requires sacrifice, dedication, a drive to provide the best attitude even if you've had a horrible day, which we all have sometimes. With my experience, I am going to make sure each and every trooper, NCO, Officer, BCMD, RCMD, etc all get on this server in the morning, afternoon, evening and always have a Yularen with a big smile ready to listen to any questions, concerns, rants, no matter the time it takes. 

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do, not afraid to speak! 

Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:

I think Naval is in a good place as it stands but I where I want Naval to be is even better than how our previous Yularen left it., I want to get more officers into Naval to make sure we have all branches being managed properly, I want to make sure NCO / Officer meetings are in place, make sure that trainings for non-naval is up to par and all documents are in date / reformed to make them better in anyway possible, I want to make sure that NCO’s are enjoying Naval and always have a reason to play it rather than use it as a life to get on sometimes: this could be done in the form of quota rewards for whoever get’s the highest numbers, commendations in place for those who make the most effort and show the highest dedication, etc. I also wish to improve Naval RP by organizing events for them to show they understand our job, I want them to actively engage more with consoles while on a Venator or base and make sure that they’re doing RP such as power rerouting, shield checks, weapon checks, etc as we have a doc but it’s rarely used and most naval roam about the venator during those events when we should be taking the most we can while we have the opportunity.

One thing I have to add is, at the end of the day Naval is a VIP faction, you, the playerbase cough up $25 to join this faction (If you play it that is) and want to enjoy your time and that's how it should be, nobody wants to come home after a 12 hour shift and be shouted or screamed at for simple mistakes, one big thing to run a regiment or faction that everyone needs is patience. Some people just unfortunately don't have patience for others and have a unjust attitude towards any simple mistakes, I want to make the changes so that every person who logs on and decides to get on Naval is treated with a warm embrace when getting on server and in TS, every branch should be welcoming and I want to provide that experience of feeling important and needed to anyone willing to join. As I have said before Naval is a backbone of the server in it's own way, while it is important, we shouldn't make people afraid to join or want to talk down on us, now is a time for change and change will come if I get this position. 

How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:

As previously stated, I want to bring about changes to the most crucial parts of Naval, these things being RP conduct + Encouragement, Branch Management and inactivity handling / removal, More Naval Events, Better NCO reward system for those active and dedicated to show we recognize them in the form of a commendation system for NCO’s so they can actively get merits they deserve for hard work, effort, and dedication to navy. I want to reform documents I believe need it and make them actively more engaging for someone going for example a ENG cert. Nobody wants to listen to someone yap for 30 minutes so making cert / training docs more hands on and encouraging user engagement is a goal I have in mind. Another thing is making sure Naval rules are enforced more and Naval RP related documents such as the document which teaches Venator RP is used more too. Rather than have naval run about we should be focusing on providing immaculate RP from the bridge, making it more entertaining while doing events. One big thing is I want to work closer with the staff team to allow naval to have more fun too. (Free tickets for y’all)

In the short time of being Republic Intel Director, I have made a new Tryout document, Handbook, and recruited a few good members in, with having only accomplished this in a few days, I personally believe with a term in this position I can make the right changes in the right places, I can bring about the key changes I have listed and more. When it comes to SWRP servers a position like this is very high up as we all know, it's not a position that should be given lightly and I understand all of you are cautious about who gets it due to it's importance and while I understand this, I have to put your fears and concerns to rest, sure I am only a lieutenant and I may not have as much experience as others but I am a lieutenant who has strived in Naval, made my upmost effort to improve it, made it to officer, made it my main life, committed my time and effort into giving my all for this regiment, I have recruited, trained, provided entertainments for countless people in my time and while I know I may have some tough competitors for Yularen, I know that with this opportunity provided to me, Naval will always be priority number one. With this position I would unfortunately step down from Officer in 212th, something I worked effortlessly for (any officer in 212th can tell you of the changes I made to myself for it) and dedicate my all to Naval to make sure each and every one of you knows me for the Yularen who made a difference and brought about the great change of Naval, making Naval liked and allowing people to enjoy our presence rather than make jokes out of us.  


^^^^^ If you would like an overview of my plans for the first 6 weeks of my term check out this doc I made! ^^^^^


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?:


Edited by Darkfire

Current: On Break Due to Irl stuff

Former: | 212th WO SUPO Oddball | Naval RID LT Armand IsardNaval Fleet Admiral Yularen | Rancor WO HVO Darkfire

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+1 I love your rp and I wish you luck , I hope you get it I had nothing but great interactions with you 

  • Pay Respect 1

Current 501st 332ndO SSG Blaze 

formers: CG Major Jek ,  Senior senator Lux Bonteri , 501st TCO Cpt Hawk 332ndO major  Jesse ,  Vice chairmen Mas Amedda 

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+1. I think you both deserve interview. Best of luck. 

  • Pay Respect 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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+1 He is cool and he is the perfect for the role :)

  • Pay Respect 1

 Current:  CTMED PVT| Naval RI CDR | Jedi Padawan

Former: 187th MAJ | 501th CPT | DUth MSG | 41st MED 1SG | 41st SUP CSM | TEMPORARY IMPROCOO | Jedi Youngling | Navy COE CDR | Navy ENG CDR

war never changes


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Veteran Admin

+1 I think grimm has got some good ideas had has the naval at heart. Good luck!

  • Pay Respect 1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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+1 this guy is really cool, active, and a good guy to work with... also that doc for his first 6 weeks is crazy so yeah let him do that

Current: Dev AssistantRancor REGL MAJ Alpha 98 Nate | Militia LTGuild EvaluatorSenior Admin | TRO

Former: Trauma | Alpha 74 Stec | Navy IA CPO

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Director

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




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