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Staff Report Kaiser [Acknowledged]

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Name of Staff member: Kaiser

Comments/Concerns: Using a quest to take over brig for no reason/ Guild Raid  it was low pop, i also Rp's that i kicked the wall to break my foot armour to cut my binds however after doing the correct RP  he tells me it meta gaming as my hand and only my hands are binded to the wall.

Evidence: https://drive.google.com/file/d/150dgjeYRMEfaQuG0Ahxb7xnNebP5MCMk/view?usp=sharing

Do you want this to be reported to high staff (Negative or Positive): yes

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Head Admin

Is there clips of anything or is it just the picture attached?


Current: Yoda 

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Head Admin

No one here is doing a quest, we're doing hostage RP with Yularen hostage. 

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Veteran Admin

yeah we captured yularen for passive rp no raid and no quest


Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  2ndAC CMD WarMaster || 


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Veteran Admin

Hi, I was one of the people to get kidnapped or taken hostage. They were not in the middle of a quest as I was spectating everything because I wanted to see how people were planning to roleplay this. They decided to take everyone hostage and RP this. This was all player choice with no quest  involved.

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1. No quest was used to initiate the takeover of brig. 
2. Yularen was captured for passive RP as no event was happening at the time. 
3. You failrp'd/power gamed in the cell, clone armor doesn't work that way. It's a metal alloy, you aren't going to kick it apart.
4. No base raid was called and no clones were being randomly killed. 

  • Winner 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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Veteran Admin

Yeah this is all RP, I also don't understand why this is a staff report. I don't think this involves anything staff related at all. No quest was used at all and its all passive RP from us capturing a HVT (Fleet Admiral Yularen) no foul doing here. 

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  2ndAC CMD WarMaster || 


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So I think you're a little confused, we weren't in brig for a quest we were doing hostage RP with the Admiral in charge of this sectors fleet and ground forces. To the point of you breaking your armor and escaping, to me that doesn't make sense as binders are usually made out of a type of metal and clone armor is a plastic composite (it can't cut through metal) and in addition to that the only way I've been told you're allowed to escape is if someone who is not bound gives you escape tools or frees you. 

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10 minutes ago, Mike21 said:

Yeah that shows nothing... it doesn't hold any merit of evidence either... it genuinely shows nothing? Not quite sure what you intend to prove with uh.. that screenie there..

I recommend installing medal :)

10 minutes ago, Mike21 said:

Using a quest to take over brig for no reason/ Guild Raid  it was low pop, i also Rp's that i kicked the wall to break my foot armour to cut my binds however after doing the correct RP  he tells me it meta gaming as my hand and only my hands are binded to the wall.

So it seems this is RP related and not Staff related... thus a staff report is kinda...


Also clone armor is A LOT more durable than you give it credit for if you think you can kick your armor into pieces.

Lastly that quest, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't exist anymore / isn't apart of the quest system.


Thanks for looking out for the best of the server though! :)

Όντας δε θνητούς θνητά και φρονείν χρεών.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Current Position(s): CAO Matchstick | Naval Intel Director 501st SUPL & Hawk | Administrator

Former Position(s): CG SUPO | Aviation Manager |

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Veteran Admin

I also want to add, that image does not show anything. 

At the start of all this, I was a CT and they came to base. They ended up taking people hostage and taking over Brig. Only person that used staff was me, I spawned a Jedi NPC because the previous Jedi was complaining and I RP'ed it out for them.

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  • Director

This feedback has been acknowledged by the High Staff and will be looked into.
This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present.

If anymore information becomes present, please forward it to High Staff.



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Which quest do you think he was on? I don't think there are any quests that take you into the brig.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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