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Change the Rancor Pet

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Name: DirtyDan

RP Rank: WO 

Suggestion: Make the Spring exclusive Rancor Pet not kill you upon usage, instead leaving you at 1 hp or something along those lines. I understand the point of using it to run into a room of death to hopefully kill a droid, but it's somewhat asinine. The only positive thing I've seen from it so far is using it to reset yourself for comedic value. Preventing it from killing the player can also prevent cases of Fail rp when someone uses it to escape an RP Scenario. 

Implementation: Have it set you to 1 Hp or something along those lines. 

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development



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unfortunately if this was made before the pet was off sale i would've actually bought it. Kinda fucked. 

+1 though

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Head Admin

-1 if any changes were to be made it shouldve been before the pet sale ended, not after. Unless of course the item was negatively affecting the server (the fire shotgun needs to be nerfed)

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 1
  • Dumb 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

-1 if any changes were to be made it shouldve been before the pet sale ended, not after. Unless of course the item was negatively affecting the server (the fire shotgun needs to be nerfed)

To be honest, this pet is negatively affecting my sense of self-worth, but other than that fair point. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 According to FearRP rules, only clones can use this, Civilians can not, Jedi Padawans can not, and Human Navals can't, literally making it pointless for a good portion of the server.

Edited by Edgar

Future Adult!

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  • 1 month later...

+1 it is currently a useless expensive store bought pet and needs something done to help people who bought it to support the server have fun with the purchase.  The fact that it kills the player so fast after using it makes it extremely hard to do anything functional after eating/activating it. 

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3 minutes ago, Mykal said:

+1  its useless otherwise, just a waste of 5 mil

might be thinking about something else. The rancor pet was bought from the store during the last sale. i think it was like 80 bucks or somethin

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