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[DENIED] Cucumber's Staff Re-Application

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RP Name: CT PVT Cucumber

Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:456085681

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

What was your previous staff rank?: SA

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?: Got burnt out and decided to take a break.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):  Why do I want to re join the staff team? It's very simple honestly... I am an addict that is relapsing for the 10th time. I feel like a junkie. All jokes aside I have taken my break and am returning back to the server once again. Being a Staff Member was always fun, getting to help other members of Synergy, doing the infamous zombie fun series etc. So I am looking to get back into it all especially the Staff team as it is always fun to be apart of and a great experience! 

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): How do I feel my previous time went? Great.. I don't believe I have ever had any issues during any of my staff runs, nor can I recall ever receiving disciplinary actions against myself as a Staff Member. I always do what is expected of a Staff Member and vibe. So overall I would say my time as Staff is always nothing but phenomenal. 

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

Edited by Cucumber

Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Head Admin

Estimated time frame of when you'll resign next?

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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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15 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

Estimated time frame of when you'll resign next?

1-6 Months

  • Dumb 2

Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Due to your track record I'm kind of spiffy on this. If you're returning back to the server, I'd like to see you online and truly showing your dedication to a return before just jumping back into the Staff Team. It's not a role that can just be easily tossed back based on your past.

  • Agree 1
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  • Confused 1

Current: Bad Batch Crosshair


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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Demark said:

Due to your track record I'm kind of spiffy on this. If you're returning back to the server, I'd like to see you online and truly showing your dedication to a return before just jumping back into the Staff Team. It's not a role that can just be easily tossed back based on your past.

Could you elaborate on what past you're referring too? Besides resigning and coming back to the server like every other member of this community I am not sure what you're talking about.

Edited by Cucumber
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Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Head Admin

You forgot the steamID @Cucumber

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Left for Mutiny. Came back. Resigned again. Wants SOBDE , so comes back again +1

  • Winner 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Just now, Brooklyn said:

Left for Mutiny. Came back. Resigned again. Wants SOBDE , so comes back again +1

212th on top

Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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3 minutes ago, Cucumber said:

212th on top


Edited by Brooklyn
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  • Based 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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GM Leadership

-1 Cucumbers are a shitty fruit.

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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1 minute ago, Fyi said:

called me the n word -1


Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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I am currently being trolled by Fire Nation

App Voided

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Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Head Admin

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Veteran Admin+.

You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post.


Just now, Cucumber said:

I am currently being trolled by Fire Nation

App Voided

God bless

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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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