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Prestige GM Application

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Name: Prestige | Hardcase
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226258206
How long have you played on the server? 100 Hours
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8/10

Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?:
I’m very dedicated to the server and whenever I have a chance I always love to get on. I have gained many more hours in this short period of time. I also have refined and improved both my role play and storytelling. Furthermore, I have gained a lot of experience role-playing within the server and think I would be a great addition to the GM team. I have found myself in a ton of role-play scenarios whether that is on a lorecharacter or off. I’m able to make things up on the fly and know when to jump in on role-play. I’m also able to get into character and really adapt to the role I’m given. This would be good to have on the GM team because I can make events that are immersive and role-play heavy but yet ones that still have combat. I could also create a good role-play scenario for passive events and events on Illum and Coruscant.

My activity on the server is really good. Currently I have 100 hours and that number will continue growing.My time on the server has also allowed me to meet really great people. Some even on the GM team. I think I have experienced many things and believe I'm ready to be a GM. I’m almost on everyday and would also have a lot of time to do events and EvE's. My time zone also is MST. The MST time zone isn't that specific and can incorporate with a ton of different time zones. AU doesn’t have many events and I sometimes do play in that zone so could also do events and PvE’s for them. I’m also still in school so do have time to be on the server actively.

When it comes to making docs or doing new training ideas I always try to think of unique and outside the box. I believe I'm very creative and can come up with ideas that no one has seen before. This is important for a GM to have because having boring events can make it not fun for the players. I believe if I became a GM I could bring new and creative events that players would love. I also plan on making some creative new PvE ideas. Some like the king of the hill where they must stay on the hill while contacts are climbing up trying to take them out.

Plans for if I become a GM:
I plan to host unique events that incorporate more specialization and battalion RP. At the current moment, I feel a lot of the events are simply just shooting and killing droids. I hope to change this by creating events which are more immersive in a RP setting. So I would like to host some more PvE’s and server events. These won’t just be your run-of-the-mill protect-the-base type events. I plan on making them more fun and immersive. For example, I would like to do a thing like survive on the hill. This will be like King of the Hill and the battalions are competing to stay at the top while facing both pvp and pve with one another.  If I become a GM I also plan on doing some passive events. Usually, passive events incorporate only 1 or 2 battalions and not the whole ship. I would like to get the whole ship involved so they are included. These are just some ideas and if I become a GM I can’t wait to make more.

Learning Ability:
I’m always willing to learn and whenever someone teaches me something I'm able to pick it up fairly quickly. There are many experienced players that are GMs on this server and I would love to learn and work aside them. Even if it is just bouncing ideas off one another or it is me learning to make a great event, any knowledge I can gain is great.

Willingness to help:
I’m always trying to help on the server. Whether it is taking sits or just helping people who have questions. If I become a GM I will also gladly help battalions that need me for a training or just for a dupe. I’m always looking for ways to give back to the server and think becoming a GM will be one way I can help a lot.

My building skill I think has developed a lot. I have played multiple hours in sandbox and know all the components on how to make a great build. I know how to make things that are effective and not too complex to the point where the attention is on the players not the build. I have built many things related to Clone Wars RP as well. I have built breach and clears that battalions could use, I have built debriefs, and have also built things for PvE's. Within a reasonable time frame I could build many things that are asked of me. In my building I also like to show a lot of creativity and do things outside of the norm and think that is very important when it comes to this kind of thing.

Team Work:
After playing on the server for a bit I learned that teamwork is one of the most important things. I think I work well with other people and know how to get the job done but still have fun. Whenever i’m in a team I always try to hear all sides but yet still get my voice heard as well. Being able to be part of a team is very useful when it comes to being a GM and I believe I have this skill. Truly there is no I in team and this server has helped me truly believe that.

Event Ideas:

Operation Blue Moon

Main Event:

Although not essentially able to be pulled off here is another event I thought of to show off my creativity:
Operation Dragon Eye

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

Additional Information:
Feel free to contact me with any questions!


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Me personally I'm a sucker for allowing specific sub-units do what there actually meant for. For your deployment acknowledging the 15-minute period for ARF units to do recon, what will the rest of the server be participating in? Granted some players can be patient most can prove to be rather uncouth when it comes to anything more than 5 minutes. 

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5 minutes ago, DirtyDanLIT said:

Me personally I'm a sucker for allowing specific sub-units do what there actually meant for. For your deployment acknowledging the 15-minute period for ARF units to do recon, what will the rest of the server be participating in? Granted some players can be patient most can prove to be rather uncouth when it comes to anything more than 5 minutes. 

Thanks for your question! In the meantime during this, I will have passive RP occurring at the deployment FOB allowing for players to still remain engaged as the ARF units conduct recon. Things like engaging with the briefing, allowing individuals to gain certain items from crates, etc.  Additionally, the 15 minute timer is placed as a maximum allowed time. If ARF fails during this time then the method of going loud will occur, they also may conduct their recon sooner allowing for the rest of the server to then engage. 

  • Informative 1
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Nice application, Event stories are well written and include plenty of action. I'd like to see how the roleplay plays out. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Bad Batch Crosshair


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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview!


  • Winner 1
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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team!



Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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