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SteamIDs on Ingame Roster

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Name: Zen

RP Rank: LT


There has been some abuse happening as of late that includes some friends of community-banned members doing RDMs using perma weapons on cadets/younglings whitelist and then swapping back before someone gets their steam name or ID from the scoreboard.   This is a problem because you won't be able to find them on any of the actual Navel/Jedi Rosters outside due to being Cadet/Youngling.  A couple of nights ago,   I had the pleasure of dealing with a friend of Thorpy's going RDM happy in a Laat on a cadet and then swapping to his jedi before anyone got his steam name/ID so all we had to work with was a character name.   Of course, he was stupid enough to continue after 5-10 minutes of us talking around to figure out who it was.

Where am I going with this? He only way of getting it from the ingame roster (especially if they are a youngling or cadet) is to contact a HA+ to them to contact a developer.    

It takes time and not only that,  It pulls people away from stuff they were working on.    I noticed the search has yet to be added so why not include this why we are at it? 



Implementation:   Add SteamIDs to the ingame roster so we don't have to bug HS for silly shit

Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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+! Would honestly just help Staff which is great

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