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[ACCEPTED] Oboshi's | Chopper Staff Application

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Title of Thread:  CWRP - Oboshi's | Chopper Staff Application

RP Name: Rancor SGT SUP Chopper | Jedi Padawan Ralk Jon | Hunter Gator

Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:65792502 |  76561198091850732

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 21

Timezone: MT

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I would like to be on staff for a couple of purposes. 1st. Would be to help other people on the server in any way possible. I'm a helper and love to help others as well. 2nd. I would like to meet more people as well. With joining staff I feel like I would meet a lot more people in the community and build some friendships there. 3rd. I would like to bring a positive attitude to the server. Help new players understand the concept of how things work even with long-term members. If you are staff anything you do can be helpful no matter who is making a ticket. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentences minimum): I've been playing Gmod for quite some time now. 4K hours into GMOD as of the moment and I will keep working on that number as well. I'm as well a Cyber Security Analyst and used to do Mapping for GMOD as well. I just started in the Cybersecurity aspect now but so far its pretty fun! I've been apart of a lot of GMOD community and known around pretty well.  So I hope I can be part of this community to bring the same aspect as well. I also know Nutscript if this server does use it for staffing purposes. I also do build dupes I've built some dupes for other communities and they still use them to this day.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I have a lot of staffing experience I don't know if its allowed to name the server names but I'll say ranks.
1st (Seasoned Admin) Which is equivalent to Veteran Admin on this server. I was mostly in charge of staff recruiting and helping out in forums as well with ban appeals etc. With being this rank I was also someone that people looked up to and came to with questions.
2nd (Head Admin) I was in charge of making sure all staff was comfortable were they were at. If anyone had questions with staffing then I was the goto person about it. I also was in charge of staff meetings as well unless if it was something bigger.
3rd (Head Gamemaster) I was in charge of well Gamemasters. Making sure everyone is doing efficient events and Making sure all members are happy with gamemasters. I was also overseeing multi-day event's and making sure everything was done on time. I usually had a quota for every week that 1 event had to be done by everyone. 
4th (Overseer) I watched over all the RP that was going around in the server and made sure things weren't being lazy with RP. I was also in charge of Staff in some aspects of a way. I made sure quota's were being hit with tickets. I also watched over if people were not abusing staff powers. Etc 
5th (Head of Staff Department) This one is pretty explanatory. I was in charge of anything that was related to staff in any way possible. If it involved a command, toolgun, physgun. I would be apart of it.

There are other Staff Positions I had that are lower like Mod, Admin, Senior Admin etc.

How many hours of in-game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:
| Rancor SUP SGT Chopper has played for 62:38:23.
I do know the requirement is 75 Hours but, I believe time really doesn't matter in a way in a sense. This probably won't change anything but Thank you!

Edited by Oboshi
Updated RP names

Currently: Rancor REGL LT Hammer | Padawan Consular Ralk Jon | Hunter Gator

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+1 I always talk with chopper and he’s a great guy and makes time to offer help without needing to ask him   

He clearly can bring plenty of experience to the staff team which is always a positive 

The only issue with the application would be the time which could maybe be waived 

  • Agree 1



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto


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2 hours ago, Bestplater12 said:

The only issue with the application would be the time which could maybe be waived 

Yeah I felt like time would be a little issue but i'll explain why I feel like time doesn't matter. (This is just an opinion btw).
In my past experience with looking at staff application and accepting/denying them. We didn't have a time rule really and I was really happy about it. Reasoning being you can have so much experience in a server and still not do a good or bad job. But moral of the story. I've accepted staff apps with people that have had 10 hours of playtime in the server due too there app being really nice and how they explained things. I could tell they would be a good candidate for a staff team. Most of them proved me right and they got to higher up positions down in the future. 

Theres more on that story but i'll leave it as that for a little summary 

Just a little opinion post I hope this doesn't effect anything.

Currently: Rancor REGL LT Hammer | Padawan Consular Ralk Jon | Hunter Gator

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Chopper my man. Good luck sir +1

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Agree 1

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team!


 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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