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[Accepted] Ban appeal


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Name: Dan/Vyse
Steam ID: 76561199217708285
Ban Reason: MRDM X8
Date of Ban: 11/19/23
Length of Ban: 1 Week / 7 Days
Staff Member(s) Involved: Kaiser, Joyboy
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: I was on my 501st Heavy Ordinance job messing around with the anti tank mines that the job is supplied with, to my thought I never knew these mines detonated without a vehicle running over it or activating it by sinking it into the ground a ton of times (which I didn't do) , However I placed one outside of my 501st bunk  near a table and following that the mine exploded which ended up killing 8 people nearby, I had no intention of killing any of them and it was a pure accident. To my knowledge I never knew these could instantly blow up like that( I've tested them in sim rooms multiple times you can run them over, shoot them, step on them and nothing happens until you shift e on them multiple times), I am sorry for the people I killed and yes it is a bad move to be placing a mine out of nowhere especially in base, and I have stated this quite a lot within this text but I do want it to be known I had no intention of truly killing someone, I always thought these mines could never explode without a vehicle running over or activating it after a ton of presses.  And know I did not put it into the ground, as soon as I placed it the mine exploded. I worked hard to get to where I am in the 501st I would never do anything intentionally to compromise the position that I've made it to in my battalion.
Evidence to support your claims: I didn't have my recording software open at the time and I don't know the names of anyone that was around me or if anyone saw what happened again I am truly sorry.

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-1 here is an idea, you know the mine blows up and kills everything so maybe don't play around with something and place it outside your bunks. Even without the knowledge, I feel like anybody with common sense knows not to place explosives down in a public area as they might explode, maybe take some days off the ban as a learning experience but it's a valid ban and you should use this as a learning experience.

Edited by Deathtiger
added a part
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Head Admin
1 hour ago, osamabinlacken said:

To my knowledge I never knew these could instantly blow up like that( I've tested them in sim rooms multiple times you can run them over, shoot them, step on them and nothing happens until you shift e on them multiple times)...And know I did not put it into the ground, as soon as I placed it the mine exploded...

1 hour ago, Knockout said:

As A witness and someone who was Killed it never sank, it just sat there then exploded +1

Not entirely accurate. You can see yourself pushing the mine into the table in this clip. No idea what triggered it, maybe a pet, but that's been like that for a while. 


I don't think your intentions were malicious, but you placed a mine inside of bunks. This is the base line of what not to do as a HVO trooper. 

  • Agree 2

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Congratulations! Your ban appeal has been ACCEPTED.
You may be contacted by a Director+ to discuss your return.



i am literally captain tukk

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