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Tomms resignation.[COMPLETE]


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Name: MECH RCMD Tomm

Staff Rank: SA

Are you VIP?: Yes

Date: 06/11/2023

Reason for leaving: well to my mech reg boys you guys can say I was the worst mech reg if you’d like. I feel like within my 2 months I didn’t really do the things I wanted to with you all and I’m very sorry about that. I know I should of done better and that’s one of the reasons for my resignation I feel like there are other people who are more willing and up to the challenge. When I took the position on nothing in my IRL life was good tbh. Personal mental issues and I was alone. During that time I knew that most likely I’d be stuck in that position which really meant I had time to get on the server. With no job, no friends (irl) and no personal life really I had plenty of time to get on and do things. However as of recently, I now have a well paying full time job, new friends that actually care abt including me (which feels great bc I never felt that before) my college classes have started back up and I graduate in December so big things are coming into my life, and most importantly a girlfriend which who knows how long it will last but hey it’s a positive for now. I know this probably doesn’t shock anyone and I’m sure you guys saw a dramatic change in my time in the server. As of late I’ve been really focusing on myself more. Trying to wrap my head around finally loving myself for who I am not who I wish I was and doing that has brought people into my life. However me resigning will probably diminish all the reputation I have if I had any at all. Ik this sucks but I hope you guys don’t hate me as a person but instead be proud of how far I’ve come mentally and physically. I thought about waiting to just finish my term but I just don’t think I’d have time to really get on. However, I’ve been going to the gym a lot more now bc I never truly liked my physical appearance and now I’m getting compliments from people. Anyways enough abt me, I hope you guys enjoy the time on the server and to the next mech reg, you should have no problem doing things better then me. (Resigning from everything) 

"A farewell may be and end but, it also begins a new chapter."


Farewells: @Clutchhhxits your time to shine. Do what you think you need to for the server to grow :) 

@Boofthank you for a wonderful time as wrecker. It was the most fun I had in a long time. Don’t forget to snap me ;)
@Slakyou grow up so fast 

@Rizzo thank you for everything you did for me including all the laughs we had. 

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Love you buddy, you'll always be my Wrecker. Go enjoy the real world. :peepoLove:

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Didn’t speak to ya too too much, but peace out mannn! Much love from 41st!!

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Current: 501st Ajax

Former: TC REGL Kano, TC REGA Dogma, TC Hardcase TC REGL Tup      41st Clanky,   41st Cooker WP REGL Sinker WP Mortar 332ndO Ross 332ndO Gunner

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Head Admin

Your resignation has been LOGGED.

Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Best of luck to you brother. We will still talk anyways

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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