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A note on meds

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So, over the year or so I’ve been playing on the server I’ve noticed a decline in medics as a whole. I feel a reason that I see so few medics when I play has a few reasons, I’ll list the two big ones that slightly irritate me


1. The snail pace that the med packs work at

It seems like the med pack just takes longer and longer to heal, I feel it is becoming absurd with how long it takes to heal from 1 to 300. I get that they need to be balanced, but you don’t want to have a medic have to heal someone for half a minute, even more so when it’s someone new and they see how long it takes, why would they be interested in joining a group that just sits on their hands holding one button?


2. Lack of revive opportunity 

I have noticed with the new update that there is less of a chance for revives, as the people respawn so quick, there usually isn’t even a reason to bother if we have 5 people waiting on us to heal them. I think a system where they have the option to respawn or wait, say 30 seconds? A minute? Before they are automatically respawned if it is required. It gives us an opportunity to find the people before they are sitting in their bunks again. 

3. More MED lead events that aren’t just another zombie thing 

I don’t remember many events that really took place with med as a focus, there’s one back on anaxes that I remember, but even then that one was cut short. I think more events where med can do their thing would be a great idea, have us be able to show off how cool we are!



These are just some concerns I’ve had recently, I am not sure if anyone else agrees, but I would at least like to out this out

Edited by Hyperion90901
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2ndAC MED SFC, 104th MEDL SGM, MEDL SGM Kix, New class Parjai-12 MEDL LT


Owner of Parjai-Tank

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I’d totally support a buff to the healing speed / to medics in general, if death actually felt like a setback and not just a minor inconvenience. You could do this by actually enforcing some tac insert rules, and also not allowing medics / everyone else with a MED “training” to bind /me revives and try to pass that off as proper RP. It’s a shame that medics have to suffer because of this, but I don’t see any other way to control pacing otherwise. 

I totally understand the frustration, and it’s always hard to avoid a feeling of discontent when dealing with any sort of “punishment” for gameplay. but there has to be a foot set down somewhere. 

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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3 hours ago, Guac said:

I’d totally support a buff to the healing speed / to medics in general, if death actually felt like a setback and not just a minor inconvenience. You could do this by actually enforcing some tac insert rules, and also not allowing medics / everyone else with a MED “training” to bind /me revives and try to pass that off as proper RP. It’s a shame that medics have to suffer because of this, but I don’t see any other way to control pacing otherwise. 

I totally understand the frustration, and it’s always hard to avoid a feeling of discontent when dealing with any sort of “punishment” for gameplay. but there has to be a foot set down somewhere. 

I think we should do a med wipe, maybe have medics be the only ones that can revive honestly, it would actually make us special! my idea is that we should allow assists, but otherwise medics are the only ones that can revive

2ndAC MED SFC, 104th MEDL SGM, MEDL SGM Kix, New class Parjai-12 MEDL LT


Owner of Parjai-Tank

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On 3/9/2023 at 4:21 PM, Hyperion90901 said:

I think we should do a med wipe

wipes are always almost 100% unnessacery especially in places like Med and Eng where literally nothing has ever changed ever since it was first introduced into servers. Systems always remain the same for this /me stuff so forcing people to retrain in it would just tank med and make people hate it.

On 3/9/2023 at 4:21 PM, Hyperion90901 said:

maybe have medics be the only ones that can revive honestly, it would actually make us special

People simply do not follow RP rules in this way, if we were able to get people to follow rules like this RP wouldn't be a server wide issue. Technically only engineers are supposed to be the ones fixing engine room but when was the last time a sup was the first person on that job and did more than "/me turns on engine". No one follows these rules unless it's power designated to a battalion as then that battalion will spend all their time denying other people the ability to do it.

The way things are is less what causes the server to be the way it is and rather a symptom of how players are. it would be great if people would follow these sorts of things but that's just not how it plays out usually.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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On 3/9/2023 at 11:21 AM, Hyperion90901 said:

I think we should do a med wipe, maybe have medics be the only ones that can revive honestly, it would actually make us special! my idea is that we should allow assists, but otherwise medics are the only ones that can revive

trust me. wipes don't work lmfao. All they do is remove people who pop in from time to time and make them not want to be retrained.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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On 3/9/2023 at 11:21 AM, Hyperion90901 said:

I think we should do a med wipe, maybe have medics be the only ones that can revive honestly, it would actually make us special! my idea is that we should allow assists, but otherwise medics are the only ones that can revive

god all mighty no id never get retrained :Bruh:


On 3/8/2023 at 6:21 PM, Hyperion90901 said:

. More MED lead events

but this? this is something we can do

the Darman Keller guy

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1 hour ago, Comics said:

People simply do not follow RP rules in this way, if we were able to get people to follow rules like this RP wouldn't be a server wide issue.

Would theoretically be possible if it was made a server rule and staff were told only to bring people for revive if a med made a ticket but I do think that limiting that isn’t the way to go. 

On 3/8/2023 at 5:21 PM, Hyperion90901 said:

2. Lack of revive opportunity 

I have noticed with the new update that there is less of a chance for revives, as the people respawn so quick, there usually isn’t even a reason to bother if we have 5 people waiting on us to heal them. I think a system where they have the option to respawn or wait, say 30 seconds? A minute? Before they are automatically respawned if it is required. It gives us an opportunity to find the people before they are sitting in their bunks again. 

100% I think this would help the server and add more RP (such as being able to find someone’s corpse then revive it). If you made a suggestion for this I would +1 it. 

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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