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Defcon 1


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Name: Lil j 

Who helped (If applicable):Satan-Goblen-

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):A sith lord pulled up to Anaxes wanting to kill everone there and when about when the Republic lost The Sith Lord himself appeared and started to attack when the Jedi pulled up and killed the Sith the Sith turned into a spirit and came back to the base and saw all what he did so when it was Defcon 1 he saved everyone from the base and got them to safety and made the republic live on.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:NA

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance

Edited by LIl-J
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Gameplay: 3

Care and Effort: 3

Server Performance: 5

The gameplay was a 3 from me because it was really... normal, gameplay wise, but the actual presentation of it lacked any kind of flair- there was no announcement, no RP leading up to the ships, no bombardment- really big thing is just don't be afraid to really tap into the dramatics! Put on a show! Give us some spectacle! Give us something to really immerse us and bring us into the experience instead of droids just... showing up.

Because of that stuff above, it didn't seem as though an above-average amount of effort was put in. The thing that could have put you up a point for me on that was the sub-story about the fallen jedi padawan- but because that roleplay only reached very few people, it's impact on the event was very minimal. Next time, when you have an honestly really cool substoryline like that, make sure it gets its time to shine! Have it reflect on the rest of the event!


As always, Heart contributed a lot to the experience with some really good RP augmentation (Defcon 1, intercom RP, etc!)- thank you heart :)

The players also did a pretty great job of keeping the passive RP ball rolling back at the Aurek encampment. Cheers to that!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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Gameplay: 5/5 mechanics wise it was entertaining and the story the event had to it was great! im not gonna lie i went out on a whim to attempt to be civil with the sith and honeslty it made the event much more better since LIL-J took it and created more for the event! the force ghost sith to change and help everyone on base and get everyone out safe was awesome! really appriciate Lil-J as well going with the RP on it he did a fantastic job with this event! 

Care and Effort: 5/5 well thought out and worked with members of the community to make the event even better!

Server Performance: 5/5 I didnt even notice if there was any lag for the event.

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Gameplay: 4 It was pretty simple overall. Small complaints is that the pods would fall and then the droids would take awhile to get spawned in and by that time people had already pushed up to them and got spawned on. Not really your fault tho. Would have liked the chance to try to defuse the bombs even tho there were literally so many lol but it was fun nonetheless.

Care and Effort: 4 Seems like you put care and effort into the event. I think everyone had fun. I feel like there could have been more to it tho I feel it got piggybacked by other staff at the end but it all worked out.

Server Performance: 5 I had no issues with performance. Good job!


i am literally captain tukk

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