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im wondering why do ppl -1 GM applications? tbh i have no idea what the fuck is happening in any event i just do what someone tells me and then do what the next person tells me to do. u guys actually know what's up? like how tf do u know i just see some npc's and shoot and then 5 mins later chat is flooded then naval calls for debrief. im not shitting on the gm's they keep events flowing i just have 0 clue what the fuck is going on lol.


+1 for all GM apps declined

  • Funny 1

most active inactive for 4 months cg/ds to ever grace synergy

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As a guy that -1's a lot of GM apps

It sounds like the events you're describing are just big generic main server shoot'em ups, which yeah droids spawn shoot droid we win. But a good event is so much more then just that, and usually handled on a smaller basis. GM apps look to judge event server events, which in my opinion are the best part of this game hands down besides the friends you make. Event server events are usually a lot smaller, more personal, and more story driven. By being able to decide what group and judge roughly how many people will be deployed you can create a narrative that is much easier to follow then on main, and usually more unique as you have 25 event server maps at your disposal as compared to the 1 main server map. You can craft stories that are specific to the strengths of a certain battalion, utilizing the tools they have fully to create a story that engages and entertains fully. You've joined recently so you just might not have had the fortune of deploying on an event like this (kinda depends on your battalion), but once you do i fully believe that you will change your mind on what makes a good event, and through that a good game master.

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Even in a generic shootemup, there is a lot that goes on that most people don't see. You might have to coordinate your EJs, (spawning them weapons, tool guns, setting their jobs, telling them what to do, teleporting them), figure out a good system of how much health B1s have versus B2s, figuring out when to conclude or continue spawning, monitoring player actions and catering to /me's, etc.


Even if there are events like that, that doesn't mean that's the type of thing we as a GM team look for in our members. They have their place, but we make it clear that quality is also extremely important when entertaining people, and if someone isn't willing to pursue that quality, than they are more than liable for a -1 from a community member.

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  • Winner 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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21 hours ago, Mavelle said:

Even in a generic shootemup, there is a lot that goes on that most people don't see. You might have to coordinate your EJs, (spawning them weapons, tool guns, setting their jobs, telling them what to do, teleporting them), figure out a good system of how much health B1s have versus B2s, figuring out when to conclude or continue spawning, monitoring player actions and catering to /me's, etc.

aight imma break it down from a fundamental standpoint like big dawg coach kent murphy. i mean no disrespect. so they way i see it is when ur watching a movie u dont value the behind the scenes process more than the finished product. i know u GM's work hard but im not playing the event thinking "damn these guys are working hard to make sure everyone having fun" (ik u are and i appreciate greatly, synergy is great i love synergy :D ) im thinking "tf is going on, this shit lowkey a mess." again, no diss u guys are all cool.


i am CG and i mostly just twiddle my thumbs during events or just stand around with conrad as he roleplays or has his fun 

also, i like how u guys keep pumping events but sometimes i guess quality > quantity AND maybe im just too new to see how it really works in full perspective but when the GM is saying it's the fourth episode in his events and it felt exactly like the last event that was just a random pop-up one, it just turns you (me) off from wanting to participate again

i still 10/10 every event i participate in but sometimes its kinda like "ok we have to evacuate to aurek" then 5 mins later "ok guys go to DB"

maybe the map is too limiting? the map we're on now is cool, yes, but its very plain? i don't know any other way to say it's boring without tryna be disrespectful, which im not at all, again sorry if this all comes out that way.

i really only see citadel being used a couple of times throughout the day, i even said this in chat but someone told me i was too inactive to say that? i started playing SYN Dec 1 I believe and have put in a good 60-70 hrs already so I'd say im pretty active. (prob addicted bc everyone on SYN are cool)

lastly, maybe u could just disregard all this shit and the TL;DR is : ive never been told there was an event going on in the event server, is it just always active or...?


if ur upset about the lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation this isn't a email to my professor so bear with me, thx.
and again, i mean no diss the GM team and staff team are great group of people, always helpful, always taking ppl's point-of-views into consideration to boost the overall experience. in the short amount of time i've played on SYN, huge thanks to u guys. 

10/10 +1

and before someone says "Well Travis can you do better?" no the fk i cannot, that's why i 10/10 everyone's event bc it takes time and dedication,. but ppl still say "this movie sucks dick"

Edited by TRAVIS
  • Winner 1

most active inactive for 4 months cg/ds to ever grace synergy

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4 minutes ago, TRAVIS said:

ive never been told there was an event going on in the event server, is it just always active or...?

Your battalion will be deployed at certain times and they should be announcing it in game and over discord with announcements. There are weekly regimental deployments and because CG is in specialized, whenever you see Spec (how its abbreviated) deployed through adverts in game or by discord you can just press escape and then click on the event server tab to load in.
Hope this helped

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1 minute ago, Hanz said:

Your battalion will be deployed at certain times and they should be announcing it in game and over discord with announcements. There are weekly regimental deployments and because CG is in specialized, whenever you see Spec (how its abbreviated) deployed through adverts in game or by discord you can just press escape and then click on the event server tab to load in.
Hope this helped

ok thank you, holy shit thank you. no one in CG told me that when they call for Spec we can go. i think i might actually retain my sanity from shooting bugs in the dark. Hanz is goat thank u

  • Funny 1

most active inactive for 4 months cg/ds to ever grace synergy

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@TRAVIS What's your TS3 name?
I'd like to talk to you about ideas and ways we can continue to improve as well as clear up any questions you may have (if any)

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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25 minutes ago, Daytona211 said:

@TRAVIS What's your TS3 name?
I'd like to talk to you about ideas and ways we can continue to improve as well as clear up any questions you may have (if any)

my name on TS is just "TRAVIS" idk if i'd have any helpful insight that you guys could really apply to the server. im really just a player and wanted to say how i felt, my opinion means nothing at all just wanted to see if i was the only one that felt lost

most active inactive for 4 months cg/ds to ever grace synergy

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20 minutes ago, TRAVIS said:

aight imma break it down from a fundamental standpoint like big dawg coach kent murphy. i mean no disrespect. so they way i see it is when ur watching a movie u dont value the behind the scenes process more than the finished product. i know u GM's work hard but im not playing the event thinking "damn these guys are working hard to make sure everyone having fun" (ik u are and i appreciate greatly, synergy is great i love synergy :D ) im thinking "tf is going on, this shit lowkey a mess." again, no diss u guys are all cool.


i am CG and i mostly just twiddle my thumbs during events or just stand around with conrad as he roleplays or has his fun 

also, i like how u guys keep pumping events but sometimes i guess quality > quantity AND maybe im just too new to see how it really works in full perspective but when the GM is saying it's the fourth episode in his events and it felt exactly like the last event that was just a random pop-up one, it just turns you (me) off from wanting to participate again

i still 10/10 every event i participate in but sometimes its kinda like "ok we have to evacuate to aurek" then 5 mins later "ok guys go to DB"

maybe the map is too limiting? the map we're on now is cool, yes, but its very plain? i don't know any other way to say it's boring without tryna be disrespectful, which im not at all, again sorry if this all comes out that way.

i really only see citadel being used a couple of times throughout the day, i even said this in chat but someone told me i was too inactive to say that? i started playing SYN Dec 1 I believe and have put in a good 60-70 hrs already so I'd say im pretty active. (prob addicted bc everyone on SYN are cool)

lastly, maybe u could just disregard all this shit and the TL;DR is : ive never been told there was an event going on in the event server, is it just always active or...?


if ur upset about the lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation this isn't a email to my professor so bear with me, thx.
and again, i mean no diss the GM team and staff team are great group of people, always helpful, always taking ppl's point-of-views into consideration to boost the overall experience. in the short amount of time i've played on SYN, huge thanks to u guys. 

10/10 +1

and before someone says "Well Travis can you do better?" no the fk i cannot, that's why i 10/10 everyone's event bc it takes time and dedication,. but ppl still say "this movie sucks dick"

While I agree with you on some points, I will restate that the main sentiment of the GM team is not and hopefully will never be "Quantity is better than quality" because it's simply not true. We strive to increase the quality of our events by helping people get better at hosting them, teaching them tricks, etc. constantly, and we've had a huge focus on quality for the longest time. However, sometimes not every player looks to be involved in a grand storyline with character development, cutscenes, and amazing gameplay elements- some people (and I have confirmed this from multiple battalions over the months) really do just prefer to shoot at things for 15 minutes. The curse of the GM team is that we'll never be able to cater to everyone at once, and that's one of those things. One of the things you can actually do to help is rate accurately to how much you really enjoyed the event. a 10/10 isn't a reward, it's telling the GM that there was nothing they could improve on.

  • Agree 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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18 minutes ago, TRAVIS said:

my name on TS is just "TRAVIS" idk if i'd have any helpful insight that you guys could really apply to the server. im really just a player and wanted to say how i felt, my opinion means nothing at all just wanted to see if i was the only one that felt lost

This right here is the reason you give helpful insight because someone who has been here for a while has a different taste in events and we want events catered to all players if possible 

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1 hour ago, Hanz said:

This right here is the reason you give helpful insight because someone who has been here for a while has a different taste in events and we want events catered to all players if possible 

true. i'd be down to speak to someone if they'd be down to listen and maybe take it into consideration what im saying. i feel like i only have new player suggestions/criticism. nothing extremely helpful.

most active inactive for 4 months cg/ds to ever grace synergy

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