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Zen's Commander Cody Application


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Steam Name:  [SR] Zen  

RP Name:  2ndAC ENG CPT Zen

RP Rank:  CPT 

Steam ID: 


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

212th Commander Cody



= 212th =

I've been part of 212th since Perri's term and only been part of the 212th unlike other people.  The reason I have stuck with 212th for so long is the fact that we are considered the most friendly group on the server and I wanted to help keep that atmosphere.  I will list some of my involvements as follows:

- ENGL -

Before I joined 2ndAC,  I was part of Bro's ENG regiment before ENG was merged into SUP which I wish I had suggested much earlier because it would have given it so much damn life.   I worked together with Bro/Tyennoch and later when we picked them up Finn/Valor.  When Tyennoch became I think it was SUPL or REGL,  Bro asked me one day if I wanted the position and told me to apply for it.

I'm not linking it for obvious reasons but I recall him making us listen to "WE ARE THE ENGINEERS" while writing down our answers. 

As ENGL,  I did a decent job during that time.  We had some fun server suggestions that never made it due to lag issues and the server being on the old box or BCMD not liking it.  One of which was constantly nagging Striker about "flying engineers" and his reaction was the following:

"Flying Engineers? What is this fucking cancer."

We have it now.   I'm pleased and still get a laugh out of it to this day.

 - 2ndAC -

During Perri's term,   There was a suggestion to remove 2ndAC due to it dying out from no 2ndACS/2ndACOs outside of Arroyo.   Lot of blame was put on Arroyo and he allowed Bro to take the reins as Bear (2ndACXO) in order to rebuild it entirely.  I was one of the first of several people recruited alongside Tyennoch.  Together,  We strive to have peak numbers of 2ndAC so we could possibly stop the removal.   We ended up doing this to the point that Directors joked with Bro about adding 2ndAC as it's own battalion

Yes, this was real.

I was one of the last sharpshooter leads before the job ended up getting removed and rose up the ranks to 2ndACO and Parjai before getting removed due to a situation that ended with the legendary 212th Officer Arrest-spree that happened when Forseen was palpatine.

I still help out with tryouts and I recently advised Spieler about our old tryouts due to him wanting to change up Parjai. 

- Intel -

After the Parjai wipe and HC wanting someone fresh to take the reins of ENG,  I was asked to help out our Intel team with documents and discord matters due to me being in IT.  I had no problems with it and I've worked alongside Finn (and Kelso as funny as that is) to improve them.  

Since things have been a less of an eyesore and more people being involved with it.   I'm constantly involved with it alongside Finn and we've put it in a really good place since Juicy left.

- Officer Core -

Since Striker's first term,  I've been part of the officer core and one the key members of the group by bringing up issues and alerting of stuff that needs to get along.   I'm one of the few people who deals with displinaries in 212th as an officer and it gotten to the point that I was the only one dealing with it at one point.  I personally didn't mind at all and it would later become the basis for the Disciplinary team.  

When people have issues,  They come to me considering I'm one of the oldest/longest officers so far.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I've been in 212th for a very long time and known as one of the few OG members to still be around that has not resigned once along with people like Finn.   Several of our Cody(s) came to me for my personal opinion on stuff or to see how the battalion could be improved.   Some people have called me the grandmother of 212th at times because I care about people and want to make sure people are having fun in the community.

There are things going on right now that have rubbed me the wrong way and gotten the attention of several former Cody(s) as well as High Staff.   Stuff that has pretty much been swept under the rug and has gotten where people think this is okay and do it as well.   I've told people that I would only step in when this crap got out of hand and here we are now. 

I personally have what Tyennoch's mindset on drama:   Open door policy and being transparent.  Less drama = More Fun,   More Fun = people stay around in the community.   I've personally seen several people just flat-out say "nope not dealing with that" when it came to 212th.  Some folks even raised concerns and were promptly told to "shut the fuck up".   

 Some of the systems we have now were brought in by Jagger (Disciplinary Team) that he modeled around getting the full picture of things and not rushing in.   I do a lot of background work and I want to be able to do more for the battalion.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
212th Attack Battalion was commanded by CC-2224 Commander Cody and under the Jedi Commander Obi-wan Kenobi together with it's subunits Ghost Company and 2nd Airborne Company.   Cody was often highlighted for his excellent commander skills and was good friends with Obi-Wan until Order 66 at the battle of Utapau.

One of the major battles 212th was involved in was the freeing the twiliks on Ryloh alongside Ghost Company members.


Disclaimer:  Making this aware to everyone that I recently started a new job and have been involved with a big project at work which we are currently getting towards the end stages of it with double-checking stuff.  I was supposed to brought onto night shift but that has been postponed until we get done with this.  I'

That being said,  I'm aware several people have raised concerns privately about me juggling with staff,  but If I need to leave staff for a bit to focus,  I will.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

That being said, I do help take care of my mother from time to time.  I have to leave my desk for a few minutes at a time to help with what she needs done.




Weekends (If I don't have this project to work on):





All of these are in CST times by the way. 

Outside these times,  I'm always on discord due to having it on my phone and I often check it even at work.  I also have Teamspeak installed on my phone as well.  The only times I'm not able to get on TS on phone if I'm not at break at work.      I'll be around when I start my night shift as well.    


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Playtime-wise -

2ndAC ENG CPT Zen has played for 3371:48:09.

Estimate-wise -
Since August of 2018.


Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Some people won't admit it,  but there have been some issues in 212th that has been raised by people including Gears and Forseen that have been either ignored intentionally or completely swept under the rug.  We have a good group of XO/CMDs and I want them to keep doing good work.

   Busting the Bubble

This has been pretty much been said by several people in HC that 212th is the most isolated group of people on the server.  This isn't anything new as this has happen before and previous it was just one guy trying to do something about it until Tyennoch / Jagger came around and kind of broke the bubble.

Now it's reform and I want to get people involved. 

- Trainings with others on the server

- Game Nights with Other Battalions

- Getting people to RP alongside other battalions more

Subunit / Regiment Revamping

Going to start off about talking our subunits on the server and their issues:

2ndAC -  Struggling a bit but numbers are still good.  I spoke with Spieler about a few things including possibly revamping Parjai tryouts due to him not liking it.   They also need a few more 2ndACS and 2ndACOs.

Foxtrot - Fantastic since the day that it split from SOBDE and came to 212th.  It's has remain a big interest in people since then.  ENG just got filled which means full squad.   The only issue currently that the Jedi slot has not been filled in awhile.    

Ghost Company - Filled almost completely.  The only issues that seem to be on the surface is the fact I've had multiple people talk about how their tryouts are way too long to the point that it's compared to SOBDE tryouts.

Now for the regiments:

ARF -  ARF has had a very big issue previous and it's on a positive track.   It nearly got removed after someone made the suggestion internally due to just giving out because nobody wanted it.   I want to make sure this doesn't happen again.

ARC - This has always been the complete opposite of how ARF was.   Since things with Rancor are better now,  ARC is  better than what it was with Mantis / Wren.    Bless these two.   Want to make sure this trend keeps goin'

MED -  Numbers are a bit low considering we used to have max amount of medics in fucking 2ndAC as the flying cancer that Joah called it.   

This isn't me shitting on them by the way,  Anything with jetpacks is great on this server.

SUP / ENG / PLT -  Merging them was a great idea I wish i had when I was an ENGL.   Me and Bro did appeal Striker for 2ndAC SUP when he was Cody and was given "No, Because that would absolutely cancerous".    2ndAC SUP is a big hit currently so I disregard that statement he made.

Heavy - Heavy is one of the few regiments that has consistently been 10 feet under and it's not just a 212th thing.   Lot of it is because Heavy is very unliked on server due to the weapon stats.   Likely going to be speaking to other HVYLs and seeing what kind of suggestion should be done to help it as I did with ENG.   

Also: 2ndAC Heavy is out of the question as we HAVE tried to get it suggested before and instantly denied due to previous founders seeing a couple of people use z6s (old weapon base) on the 2ndAC Trooper / 2ndAC Medic jobs.  



Making sure they have what they need to thrive /  Fixing issues with each

Curbing Mingey Behavior

212th has gotten to the point we are on top of most arrests in battalion that isn't counting CT.   It's embarrassing and I've tried to make people aware of the stupid shit they do.  

If you were to take one good look inside our discord and spend some time in our main channel in TS,  You'll notice there is a LOT of borderline racist jokes being thrown about with nothing being done about it.

Including one where someone mentioned about how "Swedish people aren't human, they are inferiors" and was completely 100% serious about it.

I want people to understand what's good and what's not good.   Stuff like this should not be swept under the rug as well and then we get people acting nothing is wrong.

Zero Drama / Friendly Environment

We had quite a few old people either not want to come back due to some of the things that were said when asked about rejoining or went into a different battalion all together.   It saddens me to see that.

If someone has an issue with someone,  They should speak 1-on-1 with them instead of it festering in the background.   I've personally done that when Striker was BCMD due to the things he said but we actually got along and were on better terms after he came back for HC.

I'm hoping to bring back the stuff that Tyennoch had during his XO days and being transparent about it. I feel like this will help us in the long run.

Officer Evaluation Revamp

Yep,  the shit everyone hates.

Previously during Nade/Jagger's term,   I was involved with making sure this process was fair with them getting feedback from SOs including me.  Jagger modeled it later in getting the full picture of what is going on with a person by my Disciplinary work.   It went well until we had an incident where a person straight up told a fib in claiming they were not SGT trained and made a huge fuss about how long it took them.  That ended with multiple people getting removed and the entire evaluation had to be yeeted for a time so it could be look over again.

I don't want us to get back to that state again.  I'll be revamping this to be from 2 weeks to 3 weeks so that our SO/HC has more time to look more carefully.  Results will be posted on Saturdays and We will have a good meeting on it every Friday going over everything.  The reason for this is that people will be able to have fun on the server without it feeling like a job while still giving chances for some fresh blood.


Bringing Back Game Night

When Jake / Tyennoch / Jagger was around,  We pushed for a game night after our officer meetings so people could get to know others in the community and chill some of the burnout that people had.   When Jake left,  this completely went off the map and remains off the map because one person doing it just burns them out in trying to get people.

I'm going to promote several people start pushing that again and also make it count towards battalion work as it promotes quality.   We had some people complain about it and in the past it was counted but that got changed.   I'll be adding it back but will be making some rules so there is bit of effort into doing this. 



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Absolutely.  If people feel like I'm fucking up,  then they can do a commander report on me like Mamba.

You have that in writing.  You can even quote me on that.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



Welcoming any feedback and criticism.  

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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Before i say anything I am writing this comment with love Zen since meeting you you have been a top guy and been great talking to 

 my problem comes into play my entire time in the battalion virtually no one knows you Zen, its been a meme with the officer core that know one knows you at all in the battalion. You don't interact with the battalion nearly enough for you to know what's going on most of the time with each person in the battalion with this your input in most chats have been very minimal, with your input in officer meetings and what your bringing to the table has been very little 

  • Agree 1



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-1 Okay, there are a lot of issues with this. I, as a LTC in 212th that has been in the battalion since late June of last year, know barely anything about you. I only know a few things about you. One, you do occasional intel work. Two, you do occasional disciplinary work. Three, you occasionally unmute your microphone to insult someone as a joke, then mute yourself. I have no clue what else you do or what type of person you are because you are not active. And when you are active for about an hour a night, you do the things I've already mentioned, or place down the 2ndAC tryout dupe if someone hosts it. You don't talk or interact with the battalion at all.

Every single person in the battalion knew Pog was running for Cody. In several Officer meetings, it was brought up who planned on running for Cody to avoid any conflict. If two or more people were running, that would be O.K. because there wouldn't be any drama about it. Pog was the only person to speak up and we all support him. I have no clue what you are doing with this man.

Every single issue you brought, you have not made this aware at all to the rest of the battalion. Just as an example, you say 2ndAC is struggling, but you haven't done anything to "fix" 2ndAC. I, as the 2ndAC Commander, have no fucking clue what you're talking about. That's kind of a problem. You can become a 2ndACS and host tryouts, host trainings, do SOMETHING. 

I'm sorry if this is harsh, you seem like a decent person, but I thought this application was posted in Off Topic. You are the last person I suspected to run for Cody, so you subverted my expectations for sure if it means anything.

  • Agree 3


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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-1, Bacta and Johnson said it pretty good, I have played with you for years and you used to do some pretty good shit back in the old times, but you have dipped in both activity and performance. I love you but you are definitely not fit for Cody. I think that most people in 212th at least would agree with me that this application came out of nowhere. I think that you are very stuck in the past and I honestly think that you are very disconnected from modern day 212th. But the biggest reason why I'm -1ing is because I think that the other applicant is the best choice for 212th and I think that most people who play in the 212th would agree with me on that.

Not gonna take it further than that. Good luck man and may the best applicant win.


  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1


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  • Retired Founder

This application has been VOIDED by the author.

You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however;

If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying.


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