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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - Lerona's Staff Re-Application


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Steam Name: Ianman19

RP Name: TR Rancor SGT Lerona

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:117223341

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

What was your previous staff rank?: Admin

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?:

I burned myself out, played for multiple hours everyday on the server. I have learned from this mistake and will be lowering my hours but increasing my productivity on the server as a staff member as I will be focusing more on the staff, Tr, And GM parts of the server because I have come to find that I find more joy out of making others have fun with events and training new recruits wanting to join our server to have fun than just focusing on the RP of my character in-game. I will find a way to balance it but also giving more attention to the staff parts than the RP parts for me

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):

I want to rejoin the staff team because I loved when I was helping players of the server with their issues and being able to return them with ease to their RP. I loved making the players happy with new events/encounters that I was making as a GH. Most of all I loved training the new recruits/players of the server and welcoming them while also showing how good of a community we have. I loved to hear their stories of why they left their old server and joined our and I made sure they knew what to expect when they join the ranks of our GAR. This server like I said in my first staff application many times is that it has the most amazing community and staff team just due to the lack of toxicity and the friendly and welcoming vibes that I felt when I first joined and got trained

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):

When I was a new staff to the server all the other staff members were welcoming and happy to help me with any questions or problems I had. I loved how the community was amazing and even the staff members were amazing on some servers the staff are just power hungry trying to take out their superiority on new and lower staff members my making them do wrong and stupid things to get them kicked off. The staff from my point of view looked like they all respected each other and didn't try to overpower someone with their "higher rank". The communication and meetings were one of the best I have ever seen. The higher ups were actually worrying about me asking me whats wrong when I went a little inactive do to my burned out. They pull people aside they think is struggling and give them advice about what could help them. If people were doing good they also pull them aside and tell them how good of a job they were doing and showing they cared and watched even the low ranks of the staff team while not forgetting about the senior and veteran admins. They tried to make sure there was at least a promotion every meeting to someone who deserved it and worked hard for the team.

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes




Note: If anyone wants to know I have been back for over a month I was active for the last 4 weeks and before that I would hop on and off just to make sure the server is going good

Edited by Ianman19
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-1 you just came back to the server, think you need to spend more time, before applying for staff

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Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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@JackI've been active on the server for more than 4 weeks now I was in 501st then left to be a ct for a while then joined rancor again and before the first week i was hopping on and off just trying to get back in the mood to play and checking up on the server making sure everything was good. I think over a month is enough time for someone to get a grasp back on things and apply for staff

Edited by Ianman19
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