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0/10. First event in 4 years to crash me. 
Probably 200 droids were spawned
A bunch of vehicles
The event jobs respawned over and over killing us by running out and rocketing us
Genuinely just felt redundant, like a mess, and i'd rather do PT.

I suggest working on planning more.

Edited by Atark

RIP Family of Euphoria

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While the beginning was fine the end was terrible, pming saying we need overwhelming force isnt good

Tactical insertions were placed and constantly spawned and killed the solution was "overwhelming force" meaning we had to rush in and spawn camp with the insertions cause you fought us instantly. 


Your Event helpers also said we were trash during the attack which wasnt the best feeling.

Edited by Bacta



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2/10 real basic, not a lot going on, spawned in way too many droids, and the B2 event jobs were just suiciding with rockets to kill us faster (which is not only cringe, but is breaking NLR).

I would have rated 0, but since you crashed you couldn't really adapt the situation.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I only played in the beginning of the event but still have some things to say. First, do not take the previous ratings personally and instead use the criticism to improve in the future and make sure that you build off of this. The main issue for the part I played in was the amount of pre-spawning that was done, which caused the majority of my battalion to crash. I’ve noticed Geonosis is a particularly laggy planet so keep that in mind as well. Also remember that you have full control over the actions of your game helpers and they must follow the directions of the game master. I was not there to see the B2’s rocketing the players, but if this was not something you intended to happen make sure to intervene and make that very clear to your helpers. Lastly, make sure that when you are doing events that you are valuing the enjoyment of the players over the enjoyment of the event jobs. It sounds like the B2’s were running around trying to rack up as many kills as possible. This is not the purpose of event jobs. Event jobs should add to the RP and make the event/encounter more enjoyable, not try to get their KD up. Remember quality over quantity. I hope this can help you in the future and am excited to see the events that you can make down the road.


Jedi Youngling

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