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Zyner's BCMD Wolffe Resignation


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104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Commander Wolffe / Zyner

Reason for Stepping Down:

I had never planned to be Wolffe, in all my time in 104th I had always been more of a right hand man, being an officer and helping my Commanders or lead my troops. The time came when action needed to be taken, someone to take the mantle of Wolffe and continue leading 104th. Not many else stood up to the responsibility and whilst I didn't see myself as someone worthy of Wolffe I did see it as a necessary step to make sure 104th would continue moving forward, strive, adapt, overcome and survive.

It has been a long ride, at least for me, as it had its up and downs. Specially when we were on the list of Battalions to be possibly removed, I put in all my time & dedication to the Battalion and did everything I could and hoped it would be enough for our survival. Now that threat has passed, I've looked into going back into what I spent most my time on previously and return to my Jedi.

I will be the new Plo Koon and continue helping out the 104th when in need but now I must work on finding my place outside of the Battalion as a named General.

I thank all those who gave their blessings in my application to become Wolffe and all those who have been kind to the 104th in these past months.

For the next part to take on the responsibility of Wolffe I leave my recommendation to JBFox, he has shown clear skills in leadership and dedication to the Battalion.

Date of Full Resignation:

10/26/17 - 12:00 AM EST

Edited by Zyner
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-1 :(   

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about time jfc


jk love you

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