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10/10, One thing I would say is let people roam around in squads would of been way more fun!


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Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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- Map was huge, the event should have been constrained to a smaller area. The game master did make an effort to close areas off, which was smart, but still a lot of space to roam and not many people on led to the event feeling somewhat empty and most of the time being spent walking back and forth between roleplay encounters.

- The roleplay of the event was actually very good. The game master got a lot of substance out of only a couple event jobs. There was freedom to interact with the event jobs however we pleased. Additionally, the story was creative and the game master was constantly monitoring the action and even went as far, I think, as to teleport people to the areas of action to make sure that no one was missing out. Great work there.

That's all I can think of. Not the greatest event I have ever played, but it was hard to find fault in it. 9/10.

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7/10 Investigations, especially on Couruscant Below, are really hard to pull off. The map is massive and investigations are complex. You did a good job at keeping things consistent, but it's not very hard when you have the event jobs telling the Clones to do what, rather than an investigation where it takes more effort on the Clones' part to figure things out. I understand keeping everyone together is so you can keep an eye on everyone, but that just doesn't work for an investigation for such a massive group. Only two or three people were interacting with event jobs as a result. A solution to this is having Helpers flying around people while they're split off into different groups. More event jobs would have benefitted as well. Numbers were low on main and I know you wanted more people to help out, but at that point, just delay the event for another time. I did like the fact that you tried because even I have yet to attempt an investigation out of fear it might not go well. Keep improving man, I love these events and the effort you put into them regardless of what I think in the end

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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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