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So this is a smaller idea, but I like this kind of RP and maybe it will interest others, so here goes.

R&D is a constant thing in starwars, to an extent, and I think if we had the opportunity to carry out that RP then it would allow alot of creativity to be expressed, and at the same time allow further exploration of ENG and Tech trainings.

In short, I would like to request an R&D room, nothing massive, maybe Storage room 2 on current map, with some work benches, some analysis equipment, general research type stuff, where folks can work on projects together, like my current idea of Darminium, a cross alloy of Beskar and Durasteel that would reduce costs of republic armour production as well as other applications such as land vehicles and even starfighters. 

This idea wouldnt have so much of an impact on actual mechanics of the server, but, another avenue for some real in depth RP could be fun, and give people a place to practice their techniques.

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Forum Admin

huge +1, first of the alloy is named after me (Darman, Gang) and I think it can open a new path of passive RP which can also allow more roleplay for battalion to do more missions to get the things required for it etc. can make alot of rp. 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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My only issue with this is that this is mean to be a front-line base. Im not in the military or anything but I would assume that this wouldn't be done here. Unless its some Marine made bubba fucked Slingshot or something like that (Not and insult but props btw). Im down for rp but this is kinda out there to be honest. -1 for now unless provided with reasonable rp beside creating rp.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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-1 this is not cash money, also what crimson said, front line base go brrrrrrrrr not paper work 

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

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Head Admin

okay cool but what is R&D

Also, please stick to this format given here: 


Edited by Rohan

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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I feel like this is more something that is left into the hands of a battalion, say naval or something. If you work with a battalion and get a suggestion going with their BCMD then i would like to +1 it. In its current state i will -1 untill you have a battalion willing to work with you to implement the idea.



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I have thought about something like this for a while and have mixed feeling but am leaning towards this being added in. 

I don't know if you even need to put this as a suggestion tbh(wrong format btw). 

You should go talk to the Game Master team or High Command and introduce the idea to some people personally. I am sure this would make some good encounters and rp that could lead into events.

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+1 Honestly and I hope HC and high staff see's this but since the loss of "TechRP" being an official thing the EOD room still has the tech equipment in it so I say we simply change the sign outside of the EOD room to say "Research and Development", it can still be used as a EOD training room aswell as whoever else uses the room for trainings. It would allow for more RP and more passive RP is great!

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