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[DENIED] CWRP - Deathtiger Staff Re-Application


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RP Name: Deathtiger

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419522160

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 16

Timezone: EST 

What was your previous staff rank?: SA

Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

Why did you leave the staff team?: I left because of he lack of Time I had from school work and sports but I now have a lot more free time 

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to re-join the staff team because I enjoyed helping the server when I was staff. Also I would like to become staff again because I have seen a lack of staff some times of the day and I would like to fill that spot. Lastly I would like become staff because I kinda miss being in the GM program and making events to give people stuff to do.

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I feel like it when well and was pleased will it. I learned a lot of cool things and meet cool people witch I enjoyed. Also I enjoyed making events and helping others in the events. I basically was in GM my most of the time in Staff but I was cut short from having no time.

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes



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-1 Some of the things stated above and I have also personally seen you have a couple of issues dating back to just 3 or 4 days ago.

Edited by Darkk
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  • Funny 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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Forum Admin

-1 same with what Neptune said. 

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Forum Admin

I have been on the receiving end of the metagaming aspect but would like to have @Spaghetti explain the toxicity before I make a decision.

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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On 6/20/2020 at 4:01 AM, Spaghetti said:

-1 I have seen you metagaming during events and just generally being a toxic member of the community

I am not sure what you mean by you seen me metagaming considering I once was a GM and I know how annoying it can be with people metagame and the impacts it can bring on an event and as well if i was metagaming why was I never AOS for it considering the fact it is a AOS able offense. Also you say I am a toxic member of the community, but I have been working hard in jedi to helping answer padawans questions, I have been helping in the Consular branch as well as being a current sage manager.   


The Wannabe&#39;s Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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4 hours ago, Deathtiger said:

I am not sure what you mean by you seen me metagaming considering I once was a GM and I know how annoying it can be with people metagame and the impacts it can bring on an event and as well if i was metagaming why was I never AOS for it considering the fact it is a AOS able offense. Also you say I am a toxic member of the community, but I have been working hard in jedi to helping answer padawans questions, I have been helping in the Consular branch as well as being a current sage manager.   

just because you have been a GM doesn't mean you haven't metagamed. the reasons you provide here are not at all good defences for any of the things I said. and just because you help people while on your jedi does not mean you are unable to be toxic and have not been in the past. also don't work on defending yourself work on explaining it.

and to explain the toxicity. in the past I have had to almost remove him from 104th for many reasons one of which being toxicity

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1 hour ago, Spaghetti said:

just because you have been a GM doesn't mean you haven't metagamed. the reasons you provide here are not at all good defences for any of the things I said. and just because you help people while on your jedi does not mean you are unable to be toxic and have not been in the past. also don't work on defending yourself work on explaining it.

and to explain the toxicity. in the past I have had to almost remove him from 104th for many reasons one of which being toxicity

the whole 104th thing was me being new to the whole Star Wars RP aspect which was around a year ago and I was a little confused what happened. Also the 104th things happens before I became staff the first time. Let me add a little story, for example Gears the current yoda was arrested for in game actions but he did not let that stop him from showing himself and showing change and working his way up in the jedi order to the current day. little side note I just achieved the position of Tiplar and not only the DU High Command but also the Jedi High Council as put their trust into me and feel i am worthy of the tittle.


The Wannabe&#39;s Corner | qipaos: Knightfall trailer aesthetics (x) ...

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4 hours ago, Deathtiger said:

the whole 104th thing was me being new to the whole Star Wars RP aspect which was around a year ago and I was a little confused what happened. Also the 104th things happens before I became staff the first time. Let me add a little story, for example Gears the current yoda was arrested for in game actions but he did not let that stop him from showing himself and showing change and working his way up in the jedi order to the current day. little side note I just achieved the position of Tiplar and not only the DU High Command but also the Jedi High Council as put their trust into me and feel i am worthy of the tittle.

let me break this down real quick. gears is a totally different person and has clearly grown since then. unlike you I have seen him improve. alright next point. just because you achieved a high rank in jedi does not mean we should all instantly think you deserve other things. you have gotten their respect not mine. 

This is the last response I will be making. focus on other things said on this thread and instead of arguing with me explain to everyone why you are worthy of staff.

Edited by Spaghetti
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@Deathtiger @Spaghetti I'd like to recommend you calm down with the messages. I know you are trying to convey your opinion but this is likely to result in the app being denied due to flaming.


It's obviously not flaming just yet but it is getting there. Please reframe from doing this again with future replies to comment.


For my vote thou it'll have to be a -1 due to the reaction shown above and the fact that you never went to explain how you changed but instead how others did. They aren't you.



What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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+1, I think, despite his couple of issues. I know him to be a very consistent and very reliable person in my experience in jedi. The metagaming I've noticed can simply be fixed, but I think his dedication to the server and previous experience, as well as the overall time I see him spending on the server, make him a good candidate for admin.

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Forum Admin

-1 for reasons stated by spaghetti. 

  • Dumb 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Unfortunately you have been denied for a staff position at this time.

For more information on why you have been denied, please contact me or a Head administrator.

You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 days from this post.

//moved to Denied

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