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Neptune's GM App V3


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Name: Neptune
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156688535
Current Staff Rank: Senior Admin
Are you Currently a GH?: Yes
How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: Like 2500
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.5
How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I'd say pretty solid
Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes
Give us an Event idea that you would like to produce: CG (disguised with the surgery obi-wan got in that one episode) are deployed to Nar Shadaa tasked with protecting a very important VIPs daughter from being assassinated after a convoy went wrong and bounty hunters are after the daughter. CG will go from multiple locations fending off these bounty hunters and learning the truth (optional) to why the daughter has the bounties (the VIP is secretly a mob boss who has done shady things in the past and his enemies are after his family)
Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):   



Hi, I'm Neptune

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+1 good people :DERPPERS:

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Head Admin

+1 ; was a good GMO/GMM back then lol

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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+1 more GMs the better

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Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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