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Assuming Command In Lieu Of CMD Presense

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This is basically a server suggestion, I just can't post it where it's supposed to be. Quick disclaimer, I am a firm believer that even ranks as low as 2nd LT can manage and maintain a battalion successfully. I am merely suggesting this in order to ease confusion for lots of people as I've seen this issue come up countless times. This could also be a cool change to have just to be somewhat reminiscent of the real military. 


What I am proposing is this. Whenever a battalion is left without an active battalion commander, the highest rank in the battalion shall assume the rank of commander (XO commander not battalion) until the next battalion commander is appointed, in which the new battalion commander can decide if the one assuming command shall maintain their position. In the event of there being two people sharing the highest rank, they will decide amongst themselves who will take command in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. If there are multiple people sharing the same high ranking positions and they are unable to come to a conclusion as to who shall take command, the regimental (or senior) in charge of their battalion shall step in. 

Edited by Fizzik

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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I don't believe this is necessary. If there is no Battalion Commander and the highest rank in the battalion is a 2nd Lieutenant, then that 2ndLT is the Commanding Officer and therefore has full authority. There are of course a few things he couldn't do that only a Battalion Commander can do, but for most things that 2ndLT is the interim Commander of the battalion. Pushing that 2ndLT up to Commander is not necessary. If you would argue they need at least Captain+ to apply for BCMD, we can just waive the two week or rank requirement in special circumstances.

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