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Halpert's CG BCMD Fox Application


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Steam Name: Halpert 


RP Name: 41st GC CPT Halpert/Chief of Security Cin Drallig


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:62423064


Battalion or squad you are applying for: CG Battalion Commander Fox



501st PVT-1stLT(Icefuse)

Oh yes, the time where I was a Private. Those were the Good Days. In my Time in the 501st, I was Faced with some Hard Times. I Endured the "Civil War" as people like to call it. During my time, I Was one of the People still trying to keep the battalion intact. I Saw the 501st at its worst and its best. I Prided myself in always keeping my composure and to never give up. Once I saw that the Battalion was in a good place, I moved on to my Next Battalion. The Galactic Marines

Galactic Marines 2ndLT-Captain

I moved on to the Galactic Marines. I Worked in that battalion to Help better the Reputation of the GM and to better myself by surrounding myself with good influences and role models. Under the command of one of the Best Commanders, Medic, I Propelled myself by giving myself the training and work ethic needed to run a Battalion.

Chief of Security Cin Drallig

As my time as Cin Drallig on Icefuse, I was the main person teaching people to use the new saber system. Ask anyone and they can tell you that I taught them how to use that """"""Nice"""""" System. I Also had plans to work with CG and to integrate the Relationship with the Temple Guard. When I was Saesee Tiin, I Worked with the CG to reclaim its Glory.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I Think my time on the server has shown me the Necessary Requirments to be a Battalion Commander. I have constantly proven myself that I am Capable and Willing to put myself aside and Better others. I feel a commander is someone who should be able to take criticisms, but still be able to be calm, cool, and collected. I Feel as though my time has shown my maturity and the capability to run and manage arguably the most difficult battalion. I feel as though I need to say what I need to say and that's it. No Beating around the bush or anything like that.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yee Yee


Availability: Monday-Friday 4:30 P.M-12 P.M CST Saturday-Sunday 12 P.M.-12 P.M


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since Launch


Do you have a microphone?: Yee Yee Boy


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: 

I want the CG to be the most Organized and Mature Battalion on the server. The CG should be Model Battalion, something a Soldier should aspire to be. CG will not be a "Minge or Drama" battalion. CG will be Mature, Able to handle Criticisms, and a good influence to everyone they come in contact with.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

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4 minutes ago, Venom said:

lol "Mature" 

Halpert ur a fucking minge, one who had staff powers now less. And dont even try and argue it with me because I have video proof of it.

-1 you are not fit to lead a battalion like CG.

I would love to see this video, if you don't mind.

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8 minutes ago, Halpert said:

I would love to see this video, if you don't mind.

Well fuck Im retarded, seems I have deleted it because shadow play keeps recording randomly and taking up space in my harddrive.

Either way, the short description of the video is this. I as Fi was trying to help RC/Null prepare for tryouts, and so we had blocked off the hangar and called sim start like we usually do. You and two other jedi came in and proceeded to fuck around, which I had no problem with because I just killed them and moved on to you. But the thing that stopped me was that you had godmode on the entire time, and proceeded to use it to leap around the hangar and generally be an annoyance. I then got Medic who was in the channel with me at the time to ungod you, and I killed you. You then came back a second time, with godmode on again, to do the same thing. I got Medic to ungod you again but you quickly ran away and regodded yourself. 

Believe me or not, my point still stands that I do not believe you are fit to lead a battalion like CG.





Edited by Venom

First and Last Jaing Skirata

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13 minutes ago, Venom said:



Good to see your Shadowplay didnt fuck up. Allow me to throw out a few points

1: Nothing I did in there Disturbed your tryouts or the "setup" of your tryouts, nor tried to RDM you.

2: No One asked me to leave. Had someone told me to leave, I would have left.

3: This was a Closed area, not an open sim (take notes by the wall on the door)

It seems as though you're still upset about something that happened nearly 2 months ago.

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1 minute ago, Halpert said:

Good to see your Shadowplay didnt fuck up. Allow me to throw out a few points

1: Nothing I did in there Disturbed your tryouts or the "setup" of your tryouts, nor tried to RDM you.

2: No One asked me to leave. Had someone told me to leave, I would have left.

3: This was a Closed area, not an open sim (take notes by the wall on the door)

It seems as though you're still upset about something that happened nearly 2 months ago.

Those points are valid, but they dont justify you running around outside of a staff situation with godmode active. As well as my past experience with you and seeing how you act, my opinion still stands. And I wont budge from it.

First and Last Jaing Skirata

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7 hours ago, Venom said:

lol "Mature" 

Halpert ur a fucking minge, one who had staff powers now less. And dont even try and argue it with me because I have video proof of it.

-1 you are not fit to lead a battalion like CG.

Lol what? You don't even play the server anymore no offence but he really is our BEST option. +1 from me, and don't say shit when you haven't been on the server in what 2 months?

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-1 There would be people better fit to run CG. I personally didnt even know you had a clone in the 41st GC let alone have seen you on the doc. I checked the doc right now and there is no comments class steam ID or date promoted. That is expected to be missing in the lower ranks but not as a captain and the fact that you are marked as active is a big lie. I personally dont think your responses are heartfelt or good responses. Everyone who applies for fox always says "oh mingey, oh seriousness " your responses are common responses that every fox puts on their applications. The fact that everyone that is +1ing your app are high up in staff or people who are your friends show the favoritism in the server and shows that people are +1ing the app just because its Halpert. I would also have to agree with @Venom




Edited by Trig
  • Agree 2
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1 hour ago, Trig said:

-1 There would be people better fit to run CG. I personally didnt even know you had a clone in the 41st GC let alone have seen you on the doc. I checked the doc right now and there is no comments class steam ID or date promoted. That is expected to be missing in the lower ranks but not as a captain and the fact that you are marked as active is a big lie. I personally dont think your responses are heartfelt or good responses. Everyone who applies for fox always says "oh mingey, oh seriousness " your responses are common responses that every fox puts on their applications. The fact that everyone that is +1ing your app are high up in staff or people who are your friends show the favoritism in the server and shows that people are +1ing the app just because its Halpert. I would also have to agree with @Venom


1. Just because he's on the doc and doesn't have a date doesn't mean he hasn't been a Captain for 2 weeks.

2. How do you know he's not active? No offense, but when was the last time you played the server? a month or so ago...

3. High staff or friends? Who is the high staff that +1'ed? You're argument is invalid.

4. People can change, Halpert has. The 2 people who -1'ed him for minge (you and Venom) haven't played the server in a bit and were minges yourselves.

Edited by Dargon
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1 hour ago, Trig said:

-1 There would be people better fit to run CG. I personally didnt even know you had a clone in the 41st GC let alone have seen you on the doc. I checked the doc right now and there is no comments class steam ID or date promoted. That is expected to be missing in the lower ranks but not as a captain and the fact that you are marked as active is a big lie. I personally dont think your responses are heartfelt or good responses. Everyone who applies for fox always says "oh mingey, oh seriousness " your responses are common responses that every fox puts on their applications. The fact that everyone that is +1ing your app are high up in staff or people who are your friends show the favoritism in the server and shows that people are +1ing the app just because its Halpert. I would also have to agree with @Venom




I'm sorry Trig you are a great person & I think of you as a friend but I don't think you have the right to even say that there are better people to run CG, how would you know what is going on in the server atm, you haven't touched the server in 2 months. There is no favoritism in people +1ing his application, no one else is interested or qualified at this time.

Edited by Weeaboo
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+1 to you halpert. The CG has been suffering big time lately, with a lot of them not knowing how to do their job, and the other half being super arrest happy. I hope you can reform them to be a battalion that everyone looks up to, a group that guides the lost souls on the ship - instead of the ones who punish them.

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Yes, halpert is a meme but he can still be serious when he needs to be. You also have experience running a battalion (if the dragon people from medieval count). My only concern is activity but that is fixable. Don't make me regret this +1.

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11 hours ago, Trig said:

-1 There would be people better fit to run CG. I personally didnt even know you had a clone in the 41st GC let alone have seen you on the doc. I checked the doc right now and there is no comments class steam ID or date promoted. That is expected to be missing in the lower ranks but not as a captain and the fact that you are marked as active is a big lie. I personally dont think your responses are heartfelt or good responses. Everyone who applies for fox always says "oh mingey, oh seriousness " your responses are common responses that every fox puts on their applications. The fact that everyone that is +1ing your app are high up in staff or people who are your friends show the favoritism in the server and shows that people are +1ing the app just because its Halpert. I would also have to agree with @Venom




considering the fact that your docs look a little mingy, ill also -1. Halpert simply isnt on enough to effectively lead a battalion like CG. Hell, his own channel is called "Halperts Inactive Zone" because, well, hes inactive.

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6 hours ago, Porsche said:

considering the fact that your docs look a little mingy, ill also -1. Halpert simply isnt on enough to effectively lead a battalion like CG. Hell, his own channel is called "Halperts Inactive Zone" because, well, hes inactive.

What? You dont even play on the server, secondly thats not even his doc thats the 41st roster as well as his channel is named that because its a meme, all of your arguments are invalid

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11 minutes ago, Weeaboo said:

What? You dont even play on the server, secondly thats not even his doc thats the 41st roster as well as his channel is named that because its a meme, all of your arguments are invalid

Actually i do play on the server...so yeah...

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