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CWRP - Hurricane's Staff Application

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RP Name: TR DU ARF 1SG Hurricane

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109759050

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): To start off, I would like to be an administrator for certain reasons. One of those is because I want to help deal with the increasing amount of minges that the server gets daily. I will do my best to complete any tasks that are given to me with the upmost effort I can provide. I am very active and I'm online on late hours of the night. Another reason I want to become an administrator is because of the lack of events that take place on the server, I will try to keep events going about every 2 hours if possible. Joining the staff team to me would be a huge opportunity and something I would take extremely seriously. My communication is excellent and I am very easy to talk to/contact. I work well under-pressure and stressful environments. My grammar and spelling is also very good and I can act in a formal/professional manner if needed. The last reason why I would like to become and administrator is because I think the staff team needs a little bit more help than they have right now and if I become an administrator I will make sure to handle my position with maturity, effort and most of all, dedication.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 15 year old dude currently living in California. I enjoy helping people and in the future I look to joining the U.S Military. I am very mature and can take things seriously when they are expected to be taken seriously. I'm also looking for a job so I can help support my parents and family. I have a dog named "Bosco" and 3 siblings that I help take care of on a daily basis.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, I do. I was an Icefuse Rust Staff Member at one point and went up to the rank of "Senior Moderator". I resigned due to personal reasons.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 170+ hours. 

(If there are any spelling/grammatical errors please let me know. If something doesn't belong in this application please let me know, Thank You!)

Edited by Hurricane Dog
Edit: Changed playtime time, my rank, and some spelling errors.
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Head Admin

+1, is Bosco thicc?

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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