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Tony's Staff Application


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RP Name:

WolfpackL ARCL Captain Dash-29 (Was Boost last week)

Steam ID:







EST Standard Time (U.S)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator:

My love for the synergy staff has been there before synergy, i’ve always loves the guys helping out with sims and taking charge of important thing in the server. Recently getting kicked from the trainer program and joining back has has given me the ability to reflect on what i really want to be. JB Fox is another reason, he is a man that helps this community in every way possible even when people question why he leaves a sim to train TRs, that’s what i would like to be. I also feel as if becoming an administrator will help me feel more responsibility for what happens in the server, this will make me want to be more active and get to know the admins around me. Recently i’ve been thinking about making this app and with the support of my battalion colleagues i am now confident that i can help the server in different ways, in doing this, i know what i have done is for something much bigger than just me, it’s those all around me, the people i talk to everyday.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Im a high school student in the big city of Miami, Florida. I've been playing games for most of my life and ive loves star wars ever since i was born. As a young child i was convinced that i was a Sith lord so that really put a toll on my parents but none the less they still love me (I think). Ive been playing clone wars roleplay for a mear 4 and a half months with the same group of guys (104th for life!).

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Im not going to lie to you, the most staff experience i have is in real life. I serve as a captain for a junior varsity rowing team and i've worked as an officer in multiple clubs in my school.




Untitled document.docx

Edited by Tony
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I believe this is in the wrong area. Are you applying for Forum Staff or Server Staff??


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+1 for the amazing staff experience :P

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1 hour ago, Cleverz said:


+ Good Application
+Nice Detail
+Put effort to this application

I think you can become a really good person in this server including the rank's. I think you have what it takes to become a administrator. 

Wow thanks man, not sure who you are in game but i would love to get to know you

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