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Merrill - Forest of Corpses PT. 2


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Kurt, Qal, Scribbles

Event Summary: After tracking the perpetrator of the heinous acts on Rhen Var, the 212th, Rancor,  and CG are deployed to intercept the target, as well as reduce civilian causalities as much as they can. However, their opponent yet again has new tricks up his sleeves.

Event Outcome: A city gassed and poisoned beyond belief greeted the troopers, who had to shut down poison gas while getting out of the city to track survivors and their primary foe, Vlad the Impaler. Due to a slip of judgement, he slipped past the clones and stole one of their LAATs whilst the clones were raiding his stronghold. However, he left behind his holopad in his haste...

Event Type: Mixed 

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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I really enjoy these more personal events for us, and the mixed rp/action was done really well. The only thing I might steer away from is the amount of Antlion Guards, cause those shits 1 shot like 7 of us in the span of 10 seconds.


not sure what the rating system is now (it changed?) but I really enjoyed this and had a lot of fun.

Edited by Finn

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: 3/4 - Fantastic event series. These events have been consistently fun, detail oriented, simple yet packed with story/lore/objectives to complete.

Story: 3/4 - Vlad has become a nemesis to the 212th, beckoning the attention of GAR and personally 212th to take him down. The story is influenced but adapted well into the universe. (Fuck Vlad, Love Clone Advisor -- big bro.)

Execution: 3/4 - Every objective/section of the map seemed to have flowed in a streamlined manner. Every section felt natural and objectives were mostly clear to complete. 

Game Mechanics: 4/4 - Utilization of map sections rarely used, application of fog editor to create visual toxic gas, prop placement, and comms RP with hints created a very immersive and easy-to-follow experience for the player. NPCs were relatively easy and placed well (spaced out, roaming -- zombie/bug variants) -- which caught troopers off-guard with the overwhelming destructive force of the antlion guard that 1 shot troopers and sent them flying to kingdom come. Players will now think twice about engagements, moving much more carefully and tactically to deal with high priority targets/threats on the battlefield.


Keep up the beautiful work, Merrill. Personal thanks to the game helpers that assisted.

Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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