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About Kull1339

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  1. Name: Kull Rank: 1SG Suggestion: I wish to begin a proper discussion on a topic that I have been very vocal about for sometime. Ever since the last major weapon change I have had some questions about the decisions made. Many of these I did enjoy such as ARFs getting the DC-15x , which I much preferred over the chaingun we were given in Rancor. But there were changes that I and I'm sure many others did not like, this as you may already be able to guess is the changes to the default weapons, DC-15a and 15s . After the change the 15a seemed to be, more of a marksmen rifle over a Heavy Assualt Rifle which it has been shown to be lore wise. The fire rate is extremely lore compared to any weapon used by any military, this applies for the 15s as well. any weapon with a fire rate under 500 is either not full auto or is a heavy weapon so for the main assault rifle and carbine of the republic to have under 300rpm is laughable and very underwhelming. We have seen the weapon fire faster not just in other games but also the movies and TV show. At the current fire rates not only does the weapon feel rather dull to shoot but also when firing at the rather tanky enemies it feels more of a chore to slowly fire at them and then move onto the next. But another issues rises, the 15s as many on the server known is impossible to shoot beyond close quarters. This is do to the very wide and random cone of the fire, I have tested this multiple times on both full and semi-auto, the shots will go in random directions and will barley hit their target if at all beyond 3-5 meters. That is ranges that the 17 make with ease, a pistol can out range a carbine. The 15s also for some odd reason has 5 more damage then the 15a, only a 5 damage different but on the weapon meant for close range, although both weapons should have more damage as it takes 3 head shots from a 15x to kill a average enemy. Implementation: I only ask that the 15s be given a smaller cone of fire so it may be used in medium range and both the 15a and 15s should be given a fire rate increase to more then 400 and lastly both should be given either 5 or 10 more damage. I have discussed this topic in the past with some members of staff and in response they said the DC-15s was a smg which was to explain why it had such a short range and large cone of fire. My thoughts were, then it fails as a smg as the fire rate was extremely low and the cone of fire was not wide but random, along with the fact the 15s is a carbine by lore, we already have a smg in the CR-2 so this honestly made me even more confused and thought that staff at the time legitimatently did not care. Thank you for taking the time to read through this, feel free to comment any retorts or questions you may have, I hope staff looks into this well known issue. Lore: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjv9c-IuL3sAhVAlnIEHXC2C3AQFjAAegQIAxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstarwars.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FDC-15S&usg=AOvVaw247j9SBvYJRC54dZI2SuaC https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiQlpqTuL3sAhUwgXIEHVzmARoQFjAAegQICBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstarwars.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FDC-15A_blaster_rifle&usg=AOvVaw263V19_wvG08RigSWyECm_
  2. 7/10 I enjoyed the multiple parts and how more then one threat was active. Kept us active and on our guard, wish I could put a blacklight on my rifle for those cloakers though.
  3. I had alot of fun during this event, the idea of use chasing down someone named Vlad the Impalior and seeing it in the town, that was great. Props, but maybe have a heads up for what add ons we need.
  4. 10/10 It was very different from the normal events and I had fun with the little mystery esspealliy when I figured out the reason the covert where here and who those clones were. very well done.
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