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z6 Safety Issue.

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Bug Type (Server:): Clonewars

Severity level (1-3): 1(not that important as you can easily fix it yourself ingame)

Evidence (if you can): Don't really want to record myself click my mouse button IRL and my screen as thats too much work

Description of the bug:  Putting the z6 on safety then unsafety proceeds to make the gun unshootable. To renable shooting on the weapon you have to have the z6 have the weapon unsafety swap weapons and swap back.

How can we recreate it: Hop on heavy job or spawn a z6 in-server proceed to put weapon on safety and unsafety then try to shoot.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Founder

This is an issue with the weapon itself not really anything we can do about it unfortunately. 

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