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Mandatory IQ Tests

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Name: Grabbis

RP Rank: Private

Suggestion: Mandatory IQ Tests for Leadership roles.

Implementation: Force everyone who wants to be a SGT or higher to take an IQ test, if they don't score high enough they will not be allowed to advance. We would need to install remote viewing on their computers and have a staff role dedicated to observing these tests to ensure the highest amount of accuracy and honesty on the part of the community.

For Enlisted I don't think there should be a limit to IQ, after all there should always be more followers than leaders, that's just basic facts right there. We need plenty of sheep for each shepherd if you will.

For NCO I don't think we should set the bar too high, for fear of dismissing perfectly good basic level shepherds, I'm thinking an IQ of 90+

For Officers we need some of the smartest players the server can offer, meaning at the very least an IQ of 105.

Lastly XO and BCMD and should be the best and brightest we have among us, with an IQ of at least a staggering 115 we can be sure that we are being led by the best of us.

Lore: In the republic they had strict tests for who would be allowed to be in their leadership roles. If you weren't up to par in the brain, you better hope you are up to par with a mop, because you would be mopping floors. By implementing mandatory IQ tests we can really improve the RP aspect of the servers, With the smartest, most well adjusted, and lets be honest here, fundamentally greatest people among us leading us, we will be stronger as a server.   

PS. This has all been already approved by Sanchez, who would at the very least be able to make officer with this new system. He is very supportive of this new proposal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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+1 like frfr tho this needs to happen #MoveTheThread 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin
17 minutes ago, Dennis said:

+1 like frfr tho this needs to happen #MoveTheThread 

You wouldn't pass tho lmao, neither would I.

+1 make it happen hahahaha

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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