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Jax's 91st Commander Neyo Application


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Steam Name:

Paster Jax

RP Name:

91st Lightning Commander Jax

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

91st Reconnaissance Corps


 I've spent about 9 months in 91st now with a 2-3 month break in between.  Honestly I don't where to start, so i’ll begin with the my return from my break. I worked my way up the ranks on Icefuse rather quickly compared to my fellow troopers due my recruiting. We saw the battalion grow faster than ever did before once we moved to Kachiro, we went from a small group of 4-5 people to a strong to boasted a strong 11-15 people a day. We had a golden set of officers and of course the battalion wasn’t perfect, but it was damn close near it. At that time I was and 2ndLT and worked my ass off on recruiting. It was fun, I loved my battalion, it was great but it wouldn’t last much longer. The great divide split the battalion. It was hectic and our officers were confused whether we wanted to stay on Icefuse or play Synergy. Most of the officers eventually decided to stay on Icefuse, but leave the 91st in search of new things. I was left being the only 91st officer left on Icefuse at the time. I rebuilt it from the ground-up. I designed a whole ton of documents for the 91st. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8itYO7XqOTQ4x07cQAbBfEJiIqYamGAyXP8l-wpVE4/edit#) I spent about a whole day just writing up documents. I brought some amazing NCOs and officers into the 91st revived it on Icefuse. However, I didn’t want to stay on Icefuse. My plan was just to build the 91st up a bit and not have it left in pieces. So, I switch over to Synergy permanently after bouncing between servers for about two weeks. When I came over to Synergy the 91st was in the same situation it was on Icefuse before with no real organization or members. Me & Noto did some work but mostly waited for a new BCMD. Once Zander jumped onboard I assisted him in everything I could. I made a whole new roster, and just redesigned it recently once again to optimize it and create more organization in the battalion. I was trying my best to recruit and working tirelessly trying to better the battalion. Zander decided to promote me from CPT straight to CMD for my work. I still kept working constantly leading in events and giving NCOs the chance to show their skill. Due to Noto’s ROA i’ve been in charge of running the Lightning Squadron. Despite the “meme” of me hosting Lightning tryouts once in a century, I worked my ass off to make them immersive and design a whole new style for them. I just held one recently and it was great and the participants enjoyed it. I’ve also kinda held the position of being the “chief commander”. I’ve made a lot of decisions for the battalion and was told I had final say of the commanders in absence of Zander.



Honestly haven’t been active on it as I should, and am probably leaving it. But for about the week I was constantly on it I adopted its strong sense of seriousness. I held assisted in Naval tryouts almost every time they were held and also ran a few sessions of Naval engineering training. I ran the events I was in charge of with common sense, and I listened to the battalions requests and called defcons logically.



Oof, another thing I should’ve been more active on. I don’t hold any high rank on it, i’m still a padawan. I not part of any branch, just a lorekeeper. I’ve loved being the lorekeeper program so far, although i’ve only held about three sessions. But i’ve designing and working on some news docs for it, I love immersing myself and interacting in it.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

There is a shit ton of things that need to be done. The other officers in the battalion who are able to run honestly in my opinion don’t have the drive or motivation to run the battalion. The only person I think could run it besides me would be Razor/Russell. I’ve put a lot of time and effort in this battalion, and honestly right now we're skating on thin ice right now in my opinion. I have a strong sense that unless we change some shit the battalion might go dead. I interact with all my battalion members no matter their rank, i’ve become good friends with some of the officers and higher NCOs without them I probably would’ve left a month ago. I've kept strict against minges. Although there are a few that stay for a while they always get kicked out after one warning and PT. I’ve learn a lot on my journey. I’ve served under three different BCMDs (Black,  Thexan, and Zander). Honestly all three had different styles of running the battalion, and I believe I can combine the best of each style to make the battalion stronger than ever.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



Available weekday after school from 3pm-12am.

Available every weekend from usually about 12pm-2am.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Been here since the first night of the TS3. I joined icefuse back in December though.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Honestly would love it to be a mega battalion with 20 people on at peak hours. But realistically I want to see it doing well with 8-10 people on at peak hours. I also want there to finally be a good organization structure. There is a lot to be done, and I hope I can accomplish all of my plans I have for my battalion, with officers who are ready and prepared to become the next BCMD after I would resign. In addition to all this, I want the 91st to have a good reputation and be the ones who everyone wants to participate and have fun with.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yep, I'd rather resign then become inactive anyways.


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                 I'm kinda worried about this not in a bad way but a lot of the times you lack in disciplining your troops for example today you sat there and kinda watched this guy named night a TR2 in the 91st bitch and complain for 2 hours all you did was tell him to shut up same case with another last week and no PT or demotion but that's my only issue If I can ask please if you become Neyo I really need you to act more strict and take no shit.

                  Now for the light side you are one of the most active 91st I know to date. You keep up activities with your battalion and keep the battalion alive numbers wise. You are a very organized person with great skill sets and a crack shot. I could keep going but I think you get the point overall I only have 1 issue about you and like 99 things that I can say positive so with this being said you have a big fat +1 from daddy palpy keep up the good work and make sure you work from what I said.

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15 hours ago, Max said:

                 I'm kinda worried about this not in a bad way but a lot of the times you lack in disciplining your troops for example today you sat there and kinda watched this guy named night a TR2 in the 91st bitch and complain for 2 hours all you did was tell him to shut up same case with another last week and no PT or demotion but that's my only issue If I can ask please if you become Neyo I really need you to act more strict and take no shit.

                  Now for the light side you are one of the most active 91st I know to date. You keep up activities with your battalion and keep the battalion alive numbers wise. You are a very organized person with great skill sets and a crack shot. I could keep going but I think you get the point overall I only have 1 issue about you and like 99 things that I can say positive so with this being said you have a big fat +1 from daddy palpy keep up the good work and make sure you work from what I said.

Completely agree with you on you points. I agree the battalions has been lacking in discipline the all of that can be attributed to me. Concerning the Night situation, I was trying to wait to handle it after the simulation, but in hindsight I should've reacted earlier. Thank you for the feedback, i'll try to improve.

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  Jax has been a loyal member of the 91st since my term as commander. Jax has had a significant impact in all aspects of the 91st and has excelled at, leading during events, recruitment, adapting to change (eg. helping change lightning squad tryouts), and has maintained good activity for a long time. Over all I trust Jax's intuition, leadership, and dedication to a battalion that I've spent over a year and 3 months in.

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On 9/21/2017 at 8:07 PM, Jax said:

The other officers in the battalion who are able to run honestly in my opinion don’t have the drive or motivation to run the battalion.

TBH i'm a bit offended at that, though I have to say that I believe you do have those qualities. You've done a lot for the 91st in the past few weeks, so I'm not going to run and I'll support you - I think you deserve it more right now. +1

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Congratulations! Your application for the 91st Battalion Commander position
has been accepted for interview. While this application received less than preferred

feedback, we understand the 91st needs a strong leader and want you to have
the chance.
You will be contacted within a week to have your interview conducted.
Make sure you're prepared and know the lore of your battalion. Best of luck,
hope to see you as a new Battalion Commander.


//Moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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