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Jayarr's Staff Application


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RP Name:
104th JT SGT3 Jayarr

Steam ID:



Mountain Time (MT)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator:
I wish to be an administrator for a 2 reasons. I want to be part of this community again for one, because I do miss some of the people (though i'm sure no one cares the fuck about me) and it would be cool to come back. I was mainly burnt out and that is why I resigned, not to mention a few life things got in the way which pushed me even further to resign. Reason number two would be buildings. I fucking love building, it was what I was known for previously. I miss it a lot and honestly would love to throw a few dupes down here and there for people who need it.

Tell us a little about yourself:
Nothing to tell about myself really, I'm just some edgy kid who has no social contact other than the internet (thanks online school). This community was keeping me from insanity tbh, seeing that no one talks to me and I don't attempt to talk back. I actually got to feel welcome somewhere. Anyways, any other information on myself will be withheld, most of it is personal and I don't give it away like candy.

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I made it up to elite admin on icefuse (when everyone was still around [no, i'm not gonna count HA cause I didnt deserve it]) and I was vet admin for like, 2 seconds on synergy. I also was a noble administrator on Kairos.

Side note(s):
I have been minging recently, i'm not afraid to put that here. But that's because I didn't think I was coming back. Here I am, realizing i'm nothing without a community which is really fucking sad but that's just who I am.

I also realize there are a key few of you who hated me on icefuse and still hate me now. I don't want to point you out but I wanna say it's fucking pointless. So don't -1 just because I've made a mistake in the past. Not like you haven't either. <3


Edited by Jayarr
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Jayarr you are a cuck sometimes and u act Mingey BUT you were wolffe for a time and as long as you don't admin abuse me +1 also good to have you back

(but for real if u admin abuse me I will make a staff report)

Edited by ccmonty
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10 minutes ago, ccmonty said:

TBH Jayarr does minge sometimes but it's all in good fun he's a good guy who can be responsible just ask any icefuse vet 104th

Let that be but as you said he is a veteran... he should be held to higher standards... think of it as a hypocritical value 

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15 minutes ago, Fido™ said:

Let that be but as you said he is a veteran... he should be held to higher standards... think of it as a hypocritical value 

True true but he's a sgt3 now in 104th and we do have high standard but I do see where your coming from

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Everyone should be given a second chance. Our staff team rewards maturity and hard work, two things I know Jayarr has shown in the past at Icefuse. I refuse to judge someones actions on how they acted in a community* like Icefuse. Show us you can improve, no one is perfect.






















*Often called a "business" because someone refuses to get a job and thinks people who are apart of the working class are beneath them.


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10 hours ago, aStonedSparks said:

Everyone should be given a second chance. Our staff team rewards maturity and hard work, two things I know Jayarr has shown in the past at Icefuse. I refuse to judge someones actions on how they acted in a community* like Icefuse. Show us you can improve, no one is perfect.






















*Often called a "business" because someone refuses to get a job and thinks people who are apart of the working class are beneath them.


Yes sparks is right Jayarr shpuld get a second chance BUT DONT FUCKING ABUSE ME!

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12 hours ago, ccmonty said:

Well yeah if you misbehave in 104th you get kicked and i won't get into the other things but we hold troops to a high standard-kinda (I'm the exception XD)

Cmon Monty don't spread misinformation please. If a 104th gets arrested two times plus, they get kicked.  I wouldn't say high standard, i'd say if you disregard orders/minge then we don't want you is generally how it goes.

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Congratulations, You have been accepted for interview. 

Please speak to an Overseer before October 1st ' 2017 (Or a head admin if no overseer's are available).

Failure to speak to an Overseer (+) will result in a denial of your application, and you will have to wait 30 days to re-apply.

-- Here at Synergy, we believe in second chances. --

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