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Scribbles - Sand Storm well


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Rocksteady,  Alex

Event Name: Sand storm Well

Summary of the story: The 212th with permission from Jabba due to the discussion of Obi-wan were sent down to tattooine to get permittence to rescue their Republic archaeologists that ended up crashing due to a sandstorm, it was stronger than anything anyone has ever seen. It turns out it was a fake sandstorm caused by a gravity well. The Troopers moved out and ventured through caves, saw a tradgedy of a family fall at the hands of a tusken raider, and clones and naval dying alike. However the archaeologists bodies were nowhere to be found. It was now the mission of the 212th to find them. Fighting through hoards of tuskens, jawas and insectoid creatures alike. The dust barely allowing visibility. 

What was the result of the event?: The 212th ended up saving two burned archeologists. One from being hung over a smelting pit, and the other found, slathered in the Sarlaac's digestive juices. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying, with shooting. 

Edited by Scribbles
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10/10 EXTRAORDINARY event. This was a large deployment for the 212th as we have 24 active members participating.  

- Battalion was able to split up and make use of all their regiments - ARF/ARC, ENG, Tech, and EOD. Everyone had a role to play.

- The roleplay to gather items and ACTUALLY THINK about how to properly use the items in conjunction to complete the mission was great. A bit of puzzle work was fun.

- The enemies/monsters were creative and diverse. Tusken raiders, jawas, poisonous sand headcrabs,  and fire breathing krayt dragons. We had a good dose of combat all along the event.

- Immersive event jobs and NPCs, with amazing prop use, map setting, and good use of location (those caves were SCARY!)

Overall Scribbles, this was a fantastic event and is the biggest 10 I've put down on an AR. THIS IS THE IDEAL EVENT. Events should aim to have this level of thought out preparation and execution.

Thank you, Scribbles. ❤️

Edited by Jagger
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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