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Woenys Rex App


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Steam Name: Woeny23






Battalion/Area you are applying for: 501st Battalion Commander Rex



Experience:  I Joined the 501st on June 2 of 2017 since then ive been and still am in the 501st

I was  promoted to officer (2nd lt)  like 2-3 weeks before the drama on icefuse happened

At the end of all that drama i left icefuse as a (Col on icefuse/Maj on here.) Here and moved here. Through the end of icefuse i was under meerel as rex and though he wasn't on much he taught alot on how to be a proper officer

I came to Synergy and got promoted to Cmd, Since then I have tried to establish connections with other battalions. We introduced our new regiment system in which I was put as Support Overseer which oversaw Engineer medics and arf regiments. I made docs for this. Recently i Was made Regiment Lead,This oversees all the regiments within the 501st. I quickly took action to revive regiments that were dead. The previous RL left them dead. I made people i believe that DESERVED it to leaders of the regiments as well as overseers,in which majority of our regiments have come back to life from death.



Why should you become a Commander?:  i've been with the 501st since day 1. Ive work my way through the  ranks and have gotten to know the community as a whole. I constantly push myself to be a better commander, Within the battalion I am the voice for the lower ranks if they feel to afraid to speak their voice. I argue for what i believe in and eventually make a compromise. I  have strong relations with a lot of the troopers within the battalion because i've been commander for 501st for so long.



Do you understand the lore of your battalion?Yes i understand the lore of the 501st



Availability:Weekdays After 2pm- 10pm (I'm on all the time)

Weekends i wake up around 12pm have work friday and sat from 4-8 but other than that im up till 1-3 amish



Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:Ive been on synergy roleplay the 1st day it opened and was on icefuse i joined june 2nd



Do you have a microphone?:Yes i have a mic



What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: I plan to run it similary cause within the 501st its a strong structure,Unless they’re complaints upon how the battalion is run. But more so outside the battalion i wanna reach out more to other battalions and create a strong bond with them. But as the 501st as a whole the structure will stay the same. Unless issues or ideas are brought attention.



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?  Yes i understand very well

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+1 Honestly this man is one of a kind, as Anakin I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Kain and all of his commanders and personally along with Kix/Jackson you have been the creme of the crop. Solid leadership skills, excellent dicision making, and manages to help me out with guardian matters along with Kix/Jackson. Either of you two would make an excellent BCMD and a worthy successor to Kain.

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+1, Woeny has been a rather helpful Commander. Whenever I needed anything he was always there to answer or do what was needed to be done. I feel like he would make a good Battalion Commander.

Edited by Metro

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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