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 CWRP - Gadget's Staff Re-Application


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RP Name: Battalion Commander Bacara

Steam ID: 

VIP (Y/N):  Y

Age: 20 [21 in June.]

Timezone: GMT

What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin [SA]

[I was also a GM and a RTR but i don't mind going back to a GH and TR while i get back into the swing of things.]


Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): Nope

Why did you leave the staff, team?: I was removed due to inability and inactivity as I was dealing with both BCMD, but more importantly Life issues. Including university, mental and physical health (I got really skinny and home sick/lonely) and job searching.


Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I have now finished university [hazzah]  and have significantly increased my willingness to be on this world. I am searching for a job still but that is a passive thing that i do in the day time. To my knowledge the staff team has gone down hill a little bit, well mainly numbers, and i wish to attempt to help with the revitalization of the staff team.  Help the staff team to become more active especially more around my time zone as most of the staff team is American. I am aware of my faux pas and will work on improving them while I'm on the server. My activity has always been good and I attempted to be a friendly, approachable person.


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.

Edited by Gadget
Proof reading and corrections

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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