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CWRP - (Maverick) Staff Application


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RP Name: TR Padawan Sage Maverick , Sith Acolyte Maverick , TR CT-4502 PVT Maverick

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65644683

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 26

Timezone: Eastern Time Zone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I believe i have the experience that is needed to be an admin and would like to learn more still in this community. I have owned Communities as large as Synergy before and i have quite an extensive background in management and regular staff duties. I am a dedicated hard worker when i put my mind to things. I am a patient individual and i have learned one of the most necessary traits in this community, and that is to have a lot of patience for many, if not all, Situations. I am by no means perfect in any sense, but i am good at what i do and would like to utilize myself more in the community and help everyone as needed. I genuinely enjoy this environment and would like to call it home away from home. I am actually very level headed and i can be quite humorous with the people and take a joke here and there.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I work in a grocery chain as a meat cutter/butcher. I am that guy who gets you the good steak when you ask and "wink" for it. I am typically a athletic guy who enjoys golf/tennis/basketball. I'm a Redneck, Florida loving Gator Fan. Go Jags too. I am a Calm guy and a good listener. I have a lot of free time to spend online so i do because why not. I enjoy star wars so much, it's not even funny. I was always a star wars fan since i was a small boy in the village. I also have a huge interest in world history during wartime, So i guess in a sense i have a keen strategic sense.

Do you have any previous staff experience? So I have been a Super Administrator for A LOT of servers, to name a few below:
Typhon Networks(Supervising Administrator[Upper Administration]: I oversaw the entire team and Supers were in charge of the pathway of roleplay)
ZephyrRP: I created the original Zephyr as a Developer, Later it shut down 10 months and reopened as the owner 4 months after that. I Gave up ownership and it it still running to this day however i have no ties to zephyr currently and do not plan too in the future.
Riddlegaming: Superadmin
ASG/AxiomGamers: Superadmin for CW and Communitymanager/Director for Imperial.
Admin on several DarkRP communities.
Mod for Icefuse

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  125 hours

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No i am not.

Edited by [SR] Maverick
Battalion change


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Neutral leading to -1 if what my high command has told about you is true I worry about your prospect as a staff if you openly disrespected one of the 327th's LTC. Otherwise from what I have seen from you is decent work and a good attitude but the recent news reported to us by our LTC is worrying.

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5 hours ago, Loopy Newby said:

Neutral leading to -1 if what my high command has told about you is true I worry about your prospect as a staff if you openly disrespected one of the 327th's LTC. Otherwise from what I have seen from you is decent work and a good attitude but the recent news reported to us by our LTC is worrying.

I respect your opinion but my defense is i never disrespected him, i told a joke, it didnt get taken that way. I decided to have him remove me so i would avoid any further problems. Please feel free to DM me for more information regarding the matter so to avoid any issues on here.


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11 hours ago, [SR] Maverick said:


I respect your opinion but my defense is i never disrespected him, i told a joke, it didnt get taken that way. I decided to have him remove me so i would avoid any further problems. Please feel free to DM me for more information regarding the matter so to avoid any issues on here.

I will gladly and if stuff is cleared out I will easily and gladly give a +1

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On 4/18/2019 at 1:56 AM, [SR] Maverick said:

Gave up ownership 

Why, also I’m gonna -1 do to only toxic interactions in game

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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2 minutes ago, Kronos Jones said:

Why, also I’m gonna -1 do to only toxic interactions in game

First part: Why? Well let's see... There is a tremendous amount of responsibility in owning a community. Managing is not the only thing that is involved. It also comes with legal responsibility and legal liability. I had that all down well and good and what not but it also comes with financial issues. Taxes and how to properly manage the money. Also I had a Co-Owner who kind of fucked me over pretty hard and i had to take the heat for it because he disappeared with over 2k dollars. If you want to know more please DM me personally. As for the -1, you say toxic interactions but truth be told i have no idea who you are ingame...If i have been toxic, i sincerely apologize. Again please DM me, i would love to settle any issues and prevent more on here.


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