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Cloud's Staff Application

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CWRP - Cloud's Staff Application

RP Name: TR 327th ARCO WO Twelve


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105097987


VIP (Y/N): Yes


Age: 15


Timezone: EST

 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator : I wish to be an administrator to assist the community and my battalion, as well as to become a GM. I have been on the server for the past 3 months and have wanted to help mostly in my battalion and Sith but i really can't without staff as I can help with whitelists and setting health and if i ever get to SA+ dupes for training's. I have been taking steps to become more professional on the server and I believe staff will be a great way to complete that. As well as for future plans, as in SA+ future, I would try and work on more deployments for Recon and SOBDE and full scale ARC only deployments to add more collaboration with Rancor and other battalions. But with staff my true intention is mainly to assist with sims and training's for my battalion and others, because nothing is worse than doing a late night training and putting in staff tickets and waiting for people to accept your ticket. So through my future endeavors for staff I hope for a chance to create an area in the server for people to start having more deployments and focus on training's throughout the day.

Tell us a little about yourself: I personally love the Halo series first starting on Halo Reach, which is still my favorite game to this day. I like making fun of my friend Useful because he's a goober as well as my friend Tripoli because hes a big goob too. I like long walks on the beach. I love the SE-14c (plz add Joah). And I also like working with Merrill on his events (just watching him set up and being an event job) and watching synyster make stupidly fun vehicles.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No


How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 1848 hours


Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No


Edited by justuscloud5
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Okay Kid, Don't see you as often as usual then some others. But, I believe you are okay and you can have the ability of roleplay which you can help bring to this staff team they have here so you have me approval of +1 Also, give more into your sentences next time okay. Like give more intention like stuff as you explain in your paragraphs and what really you should be for the servers.

Edited by Rake
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