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BCNS Re-Staff Application


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Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:37238865


Gender: M


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): detailed Planning of fun RP option events was something I always prided my self in as a game master and It's something I once again would like to do in the server.  I want to be able to do as much as I can to help the Server Grow as much as I can and assists all of the players. I get to do this by being part of the staff team and assisting and guiding players to enjoying a fun star wars experience.even the never ending work of minges I want to be able to do it all again.I consider myself a very patient person and I'm willing to drop an Event any time to help anyone who's needing help with a ticket. I believe in a zero-tolerance policy for harassing another person on the server. It's a Personal pleasure of mine to jail or ban anyone who's keeping someone from enjoying their time on the sever. I'm quite eager to hopefully get back to the Grind again and then being able to maybe take up the Game Master Reins again and bring some more fun times to the server.Being an Admin where I will be able to place dupes and set up sims for the players is a Great way I think for me to help everyone fun on the server during the off hours. It is a regret of mine to have been gone for so long but between mother nature, and  Family I need to take care of first it was, unfortunately, unpreventable, I've got a good bit of experience with being a staff member and tons of relationships with this great community and im Happy to be back with you all again.                                                                -Keeping it Crispy, Purple Pride World WIde


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 22-year-old College student set to graduate this year.I Started playing Gmod with Starwars G-mod and have never had as much fun with any other game.I Own a Small Youtube Channel Where I enjoy playing several Games, G-mod StarWars being a Big part of It, SO if you see me around plz Say HI.Besides that I Usually Spend most of My days Split between, Working, school, and The Gym, Halo is my Favorite Video Game Franchise and I've probably spent more then I should on Different sort of Halo Consoles.The 187th still holds a special place in my heart even to this day and I still think of it as one of my fondest memories playing sort of video game From all the Great and wonderful people I met( You know who You all are and plz never Hesitate to shoot me a message you "Guys and Galls" where like an extended family to me

Do you have any previous staff experience: Previous Experience with Icefuse Staff, SynergyStaff (VA) , Synergy (TRO), Synergy(Admin trainer Program) Synergy(Game Master)



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