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Name: Blue | Kom'rk

Suggestion: Enforce more replies on AAR's

Implementation: I'm proposing a rule that states that:

An event cannot occur if less than 5 (can be changed) or more replies are on the previous AAR.

Too many AAR's go without replies or with 1 or 2 people saying good job 8/10. Players, it is OUR job to make sure that the GM's get proper feedback on the way they can improve their events, or what you liked about the event. The more feedback, the better (and more) events we get. Plus, it shows the GM's that we gave a shit about the event and that we appreciate them for taking the time to create something for the player base.

Lore: n/a

Workshop content if applicable: n/a
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Edited by Blueberry Juice
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8 minutes ago, Arroyo said:

What is up with these suggestions forcing people to do things?




This^ THIS IS A DEMOCRACY ANAKIN. If the event was amazing they’ll reply in it leaving feedback. If it wasn’t they won’t because it was a meh event. If it was awful then they will reply saying that

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7 minutes ago, Arroyo said:

What is up with these suggestions forcing people to do things?




I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything but the AAR's are there for a reason. Nobody responds to them and this is to make GM's better.

5 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

Lmao what?

This is entirely upto the person if they wanna do that. 

Instead of making a server suggestion, you could make a general discussion post. 

Again, just trying to have the player base give more feedback to GM's.

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29 minutes ago, Blueberry Juice said:

I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything but the AAR's are there for a reason. Nobody responds to them and this is to make GM's better.

Again, just trying to have the player base give more feedback to GM's.

Wait so what are you suggesting then?

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all these "suggestions" lmao




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Blueberry, you're a good guy, but we're not Icefuse. Forcing ridiculous policies and regulations down the community's throat will never work here, the player is not obligated to do anything on this server, and therefore should not be required to comment on a GM's AAR.


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Well shit this is getting a lot of backlash. Obviously a FAT no from everybody and this was not meant to be "power hungry" or controlling. This suggestion was to help the GM's with their AAR's and a suggestion to let them improve because of the lack of responses I've seen on AAR's.

Thank you all for your honesty opinions and again, did not want to cause controversy.



Due to backlash and community distaste, along with my own views on this, the topic will now be


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