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CWRP - (Papa) Staff Application


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RP Name: SO SSO TechL PLT CSM Spark | Jedi G Padawan Papa | Base Ops IA ENG RAAD  SGT Papa
Steam ID: 76561198157430405
Age:16 Gender:Male Timezone:GMT
(6 sentenceTell us why you wish to be an administrator minimum): i would like to become an administrator to stop minges/rule breakers. and help the community grow. ive been staff on another server and the rules are pretty much the same rules. ive been really active "650 to 800 hours" and i am pretty known. i would love to help new users to keep them staying and enjoying there time on the server. if i do get staff i would love to go down the path of a Game helper/Game master.
Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):im from the uk/ireland. i got to school 5 days a week. and can be active every day when im needed i was born on may 30th 2002. and i am immature some times tho i can be serious when needed to be. when i go into collage im going to study game development/game designer. ive been a really huge fan off all the all starwars movies from ive been really young. i have some hobbies i do on the weekend"i play football on Friday then after that i play airsoft Friday Saturday and Sunday. also quick point out if you haven't notest from the spelling i am dyslexic.
Do you have any previous staff experience? yes i was staff on this server for about 3 to 4 weeks before getting into a huge argument that was caused from somthing stupid so i did not want anything to do with it because it lasted for 3 to 4 days so i stepped down.
How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) yes i do i have 700 hours+ on the server!
Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) i am not currently staff on any of the servers.
 Must not have any previous offenses. (If you do have PO please talk to a HA+ about being waived for staff) i have not had any past offenses.
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+1 papa is my papa


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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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