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Jar Jar Rescue ( Part Two )


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Name: Dolvek

Who helped (If applicable): Scribbles, Rogue, Elijah Kronos Jones ,Synyster 

Event Name: Jar Jar Rescue

Summary of the story: 

Danson and some supplies are sent to the base by Gooby The Hutt in good faith to the Republic for saving him the night before for  Part one:

 Later Jar Jar calls for help on Naboo because CIS forces assaulted a warehouse that was holding some Mystical Gungan artifacts. A commando droid finds and steals an Entity Artifact, causing The Entity to awaken and unleash it's monstrous forces on the clones.

The Clones fight their way through the monsters in pursuit of the Commando droid throughout the tunnels, and find that the droid went into a sinkhole in a lake. The Clones regroup at the mouth of the lake with their reinforcements and simultaneously go down into the sinkhole in search of the droid. They eventually find the droid, kill it, and take the artifact back to its case in the warehouse, causing The Entity to go back to sleep.


BUT, before it does, it takes Danson with it, causing Danson to disappear and be taken into its own realm.

What was the result of the event?:  Good but clones didnt respect orders so it went too quick more quick then we spected.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Rp then Shoot em up then RP.

Disclaimer: This event wasn't my ideia *Synyster's Ideia* . All I did was organize and make sure the event goes like it was planned.


Edited by [SR] Dolvek [VA]



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-1 agree with Turbine. I want to know where those hundreds of droids came from in those hangars, after clearing each one twice there were still droids being spawned in them.

Instead of complaining about SOBDE doing our job, maybe try to adapt and include player choice into your event. How you handled the situation was childish..

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-1, There would multiple reasons for my -1.

1.) Not Handling Player Choice properly - SOBDE made the choice to go underground to secure the underground part of the map. You literally kept spawning droids on our squad on purpose to try and kill us due to us making our own choices. Starting to spawn ONTOP of players. (SOBDE survived anyways ;D)

2.) Lack of Communication - Multiple players comms in important information in which "Commander" Kronos kept ignoring the pieces of information that could've made the event go smoother.

3.) Confusion of Event Idea and the Execution of It - Many players were really confused to the main objective and went into areas in which were critical to the objective.

Sorry dude, please reconcider handling player choice in a reasonable manner instead of trying to kill players for having fun and making their own choices. Thank you.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1 I agree with what was said above, but I have more to add.
Having an event job insult SOBDE and 41st because of the fact that you guys decided to reuse the underwater base that had already been cleared TWICE, I'm sorry but that is beyond unprofessional.
The fact that you where so against player choice as to in RP, call Null, Delta, Omega, Foxtrot, and 41st incompetent to justify why a base hadn't been cleared already is terrible.



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4 minutes ago, Red_Panda said:

-1, There would multiple reasons for my -1.

1.) Not Handling Player Choice properly - SOBDE made the choice to go underground to secure the underground part of the map. You literally kept spawning droids on our squad on purpose to try and kill us due to us making our own choices. Starting to spawn ONTOP of players. (SOBDE survived anyways ;D)

2.) Lack of Communication - Multiple players comms in important information in which "Commander" Kronos kept ignoring the pieces of information that could've made the event go smoother.

3.) Confusion of Event Idea and the Execution of It - Many players were really confused to the main objective and went into areas in which were critical to the objective.

Sorry dude, please reconcider handling player choice in a reasonable manner instead of trying to kill players for having fun and making their own choices. Thank you.

Thank you for you commentary, only way I will learn its with my mistakes..
Lets get this then..

1- Player choice was included you guys ( SOBD ) decided to leave the DB are to go directly under the base, people were saying oh they cant do this we haven't told then to go. I was like leave it alone they have the player choice.. 

2- You guys were wondering where all those droids were coming from.. The whole everything is clear you guys didnt clear everything.. there was boxes inside those areas, inside the boxes droids were there. No one decided to open the boxes or even check them. Another thing the main room where the holocron was located was full of droids which were goin outside to help the other droids.

3- You guys passed by areas and did not clear then at all ( sorry I was watching the whole thing ) you guys missed areas with droids and areas with doors that had droids inside so there you go you guys were wondering where they were coming from.

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6 minutes ago, Mitchel said:

-1 I agree with what was said above, but I have more to add.
Having an event job insult SOBDE and 41st because of the fact that you guys decided to reuse the underwater base that had already been cleared TWICE, I'm sorry but that is beyond unprofessional.
The fact that you where so against player choice as to in RP, call Null, Delta, Omega, Foxtrot, and 41st incompetent to justify why a base hadn't been cleared already is terrible.

No event job insult SOBDE, that was a normal clone trooper my dude.. The base wasnt clear ask rogue, he was the Commando Droid that enter the lake.. you guys unfortunately didnt clear the whole lake. You guys did clear the base yea, but not the lake..



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1 minute ago, [SR] Dolvek [VA] said:

No event job insult SOBDE, that was a normal clone trooper my dude.. The base wasnt clear ask rogue, he was the Commando Droid that enter the lake.. you guys unfortunately didnt clear the whole lake. You guys did clear the base yea, but not the lake..

Commander Kronos was an event job, he was on Senior commander. 



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12 minutes ago, JBFox said:

-1 agree with Turbine. I want to know where those hundreds of droids came from in those hangars, after clearing each one twice there were still droids being spawned in them.

Instead of complaining about SOBDE doing our job, maybe try to adapt and include player choice into your event. How you handled the situation was childish..

Thankk you for the -1, the only way I can learn is with those -1s..

Soo brother I just answered where those droids were coming from in the commentary above. Please if you have any other questions let me know.. 
and Im sorry if you didnt enjoy it.. Ill try to make another and easier event ( this was my third event in the server )



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For those upset about player choice issues, (story-wise) the Operation was soley under Naboo jurisdiction (due to the nature of the dangerous artifacts that the Republic knows nothing about), not the clones', and they commanded everyone to stay as a group. The event was designed around general player choice with a linear story, we just didn't take into account that people would disobey direct and just orders, rush through and do everything before the first part was even done...


Edited by DU Synyster

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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this event sounds like cancer

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Meh spawning could've been better but you gave me something to shoot at. +1 


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4 minutes ago, Spooky said:

this event sounds like cancer

It wasn't cancer people decided to start the event by running out of the little base we step up and not listining to orders from commanders..
It was bad because they didnt listen and decided to do what ever they wanted ;S

Edited by [SR] Dolvek [VA]
  • Agree 1



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This is why player choice should be abolished, people are like oh me shooty bang bang thing that move and dont even consider what it does for the event half the time.


Y'all ever wonder why you interrogate someone and they dont have information? Its because they weren't meant to be kidnapped, etc. Shit sucks, stick to the story of events and itll be great instead of being big boy clone man and shoot the fuck out of stupid ass npc's in areas where you have no right in being.


You're next game master, your idea of player choice was yeah they can say no and just leave it like that. Give them options, give them ways to go. Your excuse of spawning on SOBDE was strictly "boxes were there, check them." That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. If they clear and area, they clear an area. Next time try reinforcing the next room with impossible to kill NPC's forcing them to go back. 


Like fucking christ, these events lately are clusterfucks. I'm at this point where they should just get rid of all you and bring back Nightmare and BCNS events because atleast they were creative.



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3 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

This is why player choice should be abolished, people are like oh me shooty bang bang thing that move and dont even consider what it does for the event half the time.


Y'all ever wonder why you interrogate someone and they dont have information? Its because they weren't meant to be kidnapped, etc. Shit sucks, stick to the story of events and itll be great instead of being big boy clone man and shoot the fuck out of stupid ass npc's in areas where you have no right in being.


You're next game master, your idea of player choice was yeah they can say no and just leave it like that. Give them options, give them ways to go. Your excuse of spawning on SOBDE was strictly "boxes were there, check them." That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. If they clear and area, they clear an area. Next time try reinforcing the next room with impossible to kill NPC's forcing them to go back. 


Like fucking christ, these events lately are clusterfucks. I'm at this point where they should just get rid of all you and bring back Nightmare and BCNS events because atleast they were creative.


We didnt spawn then on top of then lol
The droids were coming out of an area that they "cleared" but didnt checked everything..



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