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Fi Skirata's Staff Re-Application


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RP Name:
Omega 15 Fi Skirata

Steam ID:







GMT +0


What was your previous staff rank?:



Are you currently staff on a server(SCP or TTT):

No I am not staff on another server

Why did you leave the staff team:


The main reason I left the staff team was that i was burnt out, the stress from jumping to a new level of study at school combined with what I was doing on the server at the time made it difficult to balance out both my RP role, my staff role and also settling into the new pressures of school.

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team:

The first reason I want to rejoin the staff team is that I have balanced out school and the computer so I can now study and play the game.


The second reason I want to become staff again is I want to help the people on the server and allow them to do things between events rather than just sitting AFK.


The third reason I want to become staff is I want to host quality events and I want to work my way up to SA and become a game master.


The fourth reason I want to become staff again is the lack of staff for EU players, I want to try and help fix this problem and I want to be able to host simulations for these players and also american players who are on early in the morning


The fifth reason I want to rejoin the staff team is I just want to give back to the server and help the people on it out. This server has given me many fun experiences and I want to be able to help other players have these experiences as well.


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices.

Yes I understand this

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dRunk Boi 
All memes aside he knows how to get stuff done. +1

Edited by Sixta


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