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CWRP Rack's App


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RP Name:TR 212th ARCO CSM Rackarain

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:77368334

VIP (Y/N): Y



Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I want to help the server again . Get rid of the people who are bad for the server. Make events that people would enjoy and entertaining. I want to be well more known in the community. Overall help the server and get more involved in it. Also to get more experience as a being staff in the server. I have plenty of experience of being staff on different types of RP servers. Make everyone have a good time and want to come back to the server. I have seen a lot of minges come on when all the staff are asleep and I couldn't do anything about it expect to wait for them to leave. Wish to help the players who don't know what do and fear they will get yelled at. I want to get people want to look for me for guidance and wisdom when they need it. Bring people who never played a serious RP a nice experience and hopefully enjoy it. Bring up moral by helping people who need it. Welcome new players to our server by letting them know we are a friendly server and community. I just want to come back and make the server fun during late hours.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a lifeguard at my local community center. I have a passion for cooking. I currently looking to be studding to get my Doctorate degree and major in Medical care. I want to be a pediatrician  when I get my degree. I do work hard in things that I want to accomplish and be successful at. I am an 3 star athlete. which means I play in all season of sports. I am captain of my football, wrestling, and track team. Senior in high school. I do have a passion for cars and shoes. The first thing I notice on a person is their shoes. I think the type of shoes you wear tells a lot about you.I am now in college. Going for a doctorate degree. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, Admin, The Nuclear Bad asses-Darkrp(resigned) . BurstLineNetwork, GameMaster -StarwarsRP(Resigned). Code3Gaming, SuperAdmin-Darkrp(Demoted for inactivity). Mixed-RP Super Admin(shut down)-Darkrp. Purple Galaxies. Owner-DarkRP(Shut down) Synergy, Senior admin(Demoted)

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  1200+. lets just say a lot. 
Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)No

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Forum Admin

+1 seems like a sound guy,  but was demoted from senior admin,  not sure if this will affect you but +1

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Edit: Im still staying neutral as I dont know much about you. Your app is alright, but I cant give a reason why you should not or should be staff. 

Good Luck!

Reason for demotion on Synergy: Why did you leave the staff, team?: I was removed by freck for "minging" on our ttt server. 

Also he explained his reason for demotion 1 minute before I made this EDIT. look down to see it.

This was found on his restaff application: 

Also big note: He might get instant declined due to the fact he might have had to wait for 30 days due to what Zyner said. Correct me if im wrong:

You may reapply for staff, with the original "NA" template, in 30 days.



Still Good luck! 

Edited by Virgil
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Neutral. If you can show that you are without a shadow of a doubt ready to be serious and return then i will update.

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