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Aust's Shadow Company BCMD Application


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  Steam Name: [SR] Aust [NA]


RP Name: TR SC Commander Aust


 Steam ID (SteamID Finder): Steam_0:0:136851516


 Battalion/Area you are applying for: Shadow Company



I have been with the Shadow Company for about 6 months now, and I have many forms of training that can help for making training and other docs for those in training in the Shadow Company. These  include ARC, ARF, ENG, MED, Pilot, and EOD trained. I have also had Officer roles like COL which I had on Ice fuse, and what I am now CMD. 


 Why should you become a Commander?:

I think I should become commander because I have a lot to offer for this battalion. I personally would want to have suggestions from the people in the battalion, so that we can have a socially and mentally strong battalion. This includes training, rules, tryouts, etc. anything that helps the battalion grow to the needs of the players in it. I want to continue my journey with the Shadow Company Battalion, and maybe implement some things that would make it stronger. I have also been trained by past Shadow Company/Special Operations Battalion Commanders. I have many plans that I would like to execute as my time as the Shadow Company Battalion Commander.


 Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: 

 Yes I understand the Lore of Shadow Company Battalion



 I am VERY active on the server about 4 hours on the weekdays and about 7-10 hours on the weekends 


 Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

 I have played on synergy since they first launched the server


 Do you have a microphone?:

 Yes I do have a Working Mic


What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

My plans for the Shadow Company Battalion is to make in a more Player Oriented battalion where the troops words are heard and matter. I am also thinking of bringing back a Group called the Onyx Squad (a group we used to have back on Ice Fuse) this group will consist the 10 most elite Troops that are SGT 3 to LT. I have a plan that I will apply for the time I am BCMD. To apply for the Leader of this group they must be active, and also make an application that they will have to send to a CPT+ so that the officers can look over and make a decision on the role. I have many other plans like making a new tryout docs and changing the specialization tryout docs. These are just the small things. Bigger things are Doing tryouts more frequently, and have more training sessions so that we can become a more skilled battalion that will get the job done. These are my plans for the Shadow Company battalion, and I plan to execute them in my time as the BCMD. I plan to make SC great again. 


 Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?

 Yes I understand that I will be removed If I am inactive in this position

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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  • Coordinator

+1 This man is about the really only high sc i ever see on and hes a great guy in general

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