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CWRP-Cursinglattice8-Staff Application

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RP Name: TR 212th ENG SSG Garrett

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85303078

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 16

Time zone: CDT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

Becoming an administrator would be helping me with responsibility since I'm basically at the age where responsibility is a necessity now. I have been in this server for a bit now and I can see it has a really nice community and I want to help keep it that way. I am usually on for 5-6 hours a day which I hope you are okay with. I am patient and get along with others. I would also like to at some point become a gamemaster and help out with that. At the very beginning of when I started I was met by so many people from many other communities and it surprised me that they were all nice to each other and even nice to me, to tell you the truth I mostly want to do this to give back to the community and if I stray away I will understand being stripped of admin. Maybe I don't deserve to be admin in some people's eyes, but someday I hope to change their  minds and show them that I can do this, show them I care for this server, care for the players that play on this server, care for the community as a whole. Thank you for listening and looking at my application, I am humbled.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

 I am 16 and a Junior in High school, I used to be a soccer player but that was 5 years ago. I mostly play on Xbox but I recently switched to playing on PC a lot. I've got over 200 games on Xbox and I usually just play till I have no other choice but to get off (aka family trips, and going to the store). Ione day hope to follow my dad in working for Cable Tel. (one last thing, summer/winter is a time when I can be on 24/7).

Do you have any previous staff experience?   I've been a staff on other games but not on synergy

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?)  195:03:32 (And counting)

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)  No

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