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Posts posted by Yekkow

  1. @Jad @Jayarr @Guac @Conrad I want to start by thanking you for responding to my post.

    I have read over each of your responses and understand most of what you talked about in them. As someone who is currently working on an IT degree and has gone to school for game development, I understand a lot of the issues that each of you have listed. I also understand why some of you felt the post was hurtful. For that, I am sorry, as it was not my intention to berate people. I was focused on pointing out how communication seemed to be very lackluster and how, when looking from an outsiders perspective, it seemed that there is not much interaction from "most" of the higher ups.

    I want to address why I said “everyone.” I said that because, in my mind, as someone who worked in a manager position in retail, that is how the “blame” falls. As a group of people, you should be seen as a team, and working as a team means that everyone gets blamed. I understand that it can come off as harsh and maybe a little unfair, especially if you know that someone that is being blamed had nothing to do with an issue, but it is unfortunately how people view projects like this. I think that if people have stated what I have in the past, and new people continue to say that same thing, then surely it must be an issue that needs fixing? Granted, players should also come forward so that management can deal with issues when they arise. I know that if it I heard the same complaint for years on end, it could get annoying. I understand how that makes it feel like no solution that you come up with will ever be the "right" one and how it can feel like nothing will ever be good enough.

    Synergy, from what I have been told, has a lot of people that play on it. If that is true, then there has to be a level of professionalism that is expected from the higher ups, especially when the server charges money for things like VIP and SUB: at that point, in my mind, you *are* becoming game developers and charging for a product.

    I have not listed examples of the issues that I am talking about and the people I’m thinking of because those people are still  involved with the server, and I do not wish any ill will to come to them. This isn’t meant for drama, just to broadly explain why I wanted to leave. Therefore, I am not going to “name names” or refer to them here to protect them from any backlash.

    I have heard stories from people that have been on this server since 2017 and people that have been on the server since 2020. They all tell me about how things have changed, even in the other posts in this forum. Some of them say that things have gotten better despite some issues, which I’m happy about. I want to say that I am glad you took the time to respond, as that was seemingly part of the issue I have heard from said people: communication. As for the passion project statement, I can understand that this is everyone's project and that it is not a full time team of people that only work on the server. That *does* make things understandable regarding the development timeline.

    I am going to end this response with the following. I think that Synergy is great on paper, what the server offers for the Star Wars Roleplay community is also great, and I hope it keeps doing well and continues to improve. However, after seeing how management treats things, I personally disagree with their methods and do not plan on coming back to a server that is being ran the way it is now. Nevertheless, I thank anyone who responded for responding.

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    • Confused 2
  2. 42 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    These trailers and teases of the new stuff in the update that won't come out for months is like taking a kid into a toy store and not letting them get anything, or its like hanging a toy in front of a dogs face and not letting them have it, eventually they will give up and that's the point where lot of the people in the community have come to after hearing of all of the delays. But shout out to you for being a bigger person and calling out high command. 

    Thank you! I think that it's worth taking the chance to call out the people that are meant to be responsible for the server. I've heard about how great the server used to be, and I often think about how great it could still be. I feel like the whole point of the forums is for the community to have a voice and speak their minds about issues, including these.

  3. Reason for leaving

    This is going to be long, but I’ll try it anyway. I joined the server with a misunderstanding of what I was allowed to do. I ended up trying to make the most of this situation, so I joined the 212th Battalion. I wanted to become an ARF, but there was no one who could train me when I joined, so I had to give that Idea up.


    I wanted to be useful for the Battalion so I set my mind to becoming a Medic. I then found out about the 2nd Airborne Company (due to one of my family members being a Paratrooper in the U.S. Army) I knew I had to join. My mind was set. I ended up becoming Support for a short time and remembered my love for Aviation. It was after getting support that I made it into the 2nd Airborne Company. Sadly, however, things seemed to go a bit downhill from there.


    Let me start by saying that no one in particular caused me to do this. It’s more of a thing that I have felt in the back of my mind for a bit now. I have heard tales of how great the server "was" and how much fun people had playing on it. I sadly joined at a time where there was seemingly no life left in it. There are people that are pouring their heart and soul into keeping the server alive, but when the Management & Developers seemingly do nothing to help support those people, the server starts to suffer. I have my issues with people abusing or misusing positions of power and, after hearing and seeing that occurring on this server, I chose to write this resignation.


    I initially wanted to just submit a ROA and wait until the new map was released but, after hearing about how it has been in development for over a year and a half, I really started to have my doubts. That alone convinced me this was the best option. As someone who paid money to the server, I expected a certain level of professionalism and respect for the player base. That has not been given. I expected that, in giving money to the server, its quality would improve, but that did not happen. Seeing these things not be addressed by anyone, Developer or Management, has shown me that most of them either do not care or have a hard time doing their jobs.


    The biggest issue I have found is that the people of the highest authority seemingly fail to see that the server is dying and has issues, or if they do see it, they try to ignore it because they think it would be easier to not deal with the problems. Why be in a position of power if you are not going to be responsible with said power? As you can see, the more we start to sit down and think about these things the more Red Flags arise.


    To sum this all up: Development, Founders, and Management have seemingly done an awful job at taking care of the thing that they are responsible for and, in turn, it has withered up and died. The reason I call them all out is due to the fact that they are meant to be a team responsible with maintaining the server and keeping it healthy. I understand that I am comparing the server to something like a plant (A flower in my mind) but it is what fits the best. To have a proper environment for people to Roleplay there must be a structure of people who take their roles of maintenance seriously and it is clear to me now that they do not.

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