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Posts posted by Hector

  1. On 5/3/2024 at 12:38 PM, KaiserNeiner said:


    o7 doesn't begin to put into words how this hurts. You weren't just my CMD during my BCMD term, or a fellow HA, or a fellow GM. You were my best friend. The impact you had on me and our battalion when you and I were running things with Finn is incomparable. I am genuinely saddened that you're taking a step away, and I wish I could've been there to help you more. I'm sorry old friend. 

    Rest easy and know that hopefully there will be a yellow and white set of commando armor awaiting your return. You will be missed, you will be talked about, and I hope you'll be back again soon.

    glazing is crazy

    • Funny 1
  2. On 3/8/2024 at 2:14 AM, Boof said:

    They are ARC Troopers why would they not have the ARC weapons? At the end of the day they are a Republic ARC Trooper job and not a Bounty Hunter Mando job. Its cool that they have a mando model and all but I feel it makes more sense for there Republic gear to be their main loadout. -1 for me

    I agree with this -1

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