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About yatebe

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  1. @Black: oh well try to stay active so the y don't remove you. I got removed from admin
  2. @BlackMamba:i'll keep in touch
  3. Name: yatebe Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42430168 The final day of work (Must be three days later): 12/26/17 Reason for leaving: Well to everyone reading this, it's been five months since I started playing CWPR. I've had my ups and my downs, but I've eventually decided to leave. I'm leaving because of many reasons, but top keep this short i'll just explain the main ones. The events have been very bland recently, and I'm completely burned out. I've moved on to playing other games like Pay Day 2. I wish the best of everyone and a happy holiday to everyone. Farewells: @BlackMamba: you're one of the best commander I've ever seen, and honestly the greatest commanders. You're always making sure everyone's working, and you always help people who need help. @Bleach: You're the closest friend I had in this game. It was always fun playing with you, and just talking about anything. @Fragger: If i was in the Citadel with you,i'll probably have my head ripped of by you and you only. You're the best at combat and the best person in the 327th. You're a good friend of mine, and if the 327th commander slot was open ever. I would recommend you for it. Chicken: If you're reading this, i'm just going to say that I still remember you recruiting me into the 212th. The entire 212th and 2ndAC: To summarize you guys, you guys are as big as Russia and as tactical as the Soviet Union. The entire 327th: To summarize you guys, one time on the event server, someone said shoot at the water. We used up all of our ammunition on the water. @Zahariel: To summarize you, one time in an event there was six Deathwatch that board the Venator. Four of the were woman, and you ended up getting laid four times. @Black: You're a very good admin and gamemaker. Keep making more events. Since I don't have many other people to shout out, I'm just going to leave it like this. Keep growing Synergy, keep growing.
  4. +1 He who shall be a new admin will satisfy the Synergy Empire. He shall cover himself in blood serving for our empire.
  5. @SparklingChicken I still do remember you training me into the 212th and introducing me to role play for the first time. I will always remember you!!!
  6. +1 is a very helpful and active person
  7. RP Name: 2ACO Parjai W2 MED 2LT yatebe Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42430168 Age: 14 Gender: Male Time Zone: UTC-05:00 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be administrator because, I want to help people as an admin, when they are confused or don't know what to do on the Venator. I plan on training a lot of people into the server fast and efficiently because as an admin, I can white list people and I can explain the game better to new people and more understandably since I have spent a long time in this game. I also plan to help others when they call for an admin in ether a white list or a Team Speak pass. I am a very active person in game and am usually on every day. On week days, I'm usually on in the evening, and on the weekend, i'm active most of the day. I've been in the 212th for two months and I am an officer. I'm well know in the 212th for being a good and helpful officer. Soon I'm going to become the medic leader for 2AC, I also plan to help with the 2AC medics so people can become a medic for the 2AC. To summarize everything and my plan, I plan to help people get into a real job fast and I plan to help people who are training other into their battalion get white listed and help with the Team Speak passes. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): In real life, I am a pianist, ( I play piano) and I have been playing for five years. I manly play Star Wars RP because, it is a very social server where you can easily make friends with everyone. Also, it's my way of escaping reality. Do you have any previous staff experience: Unfortunately no, I don't have any staff experience but hopefully I hope being an admin on Synergy's Star Wars RP is my first.
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