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Everything posted by Derv

  1. 10/10 Had good background to the story from the previous mission and it was a nice creative event. Thank you for doing events for SOBDE.
  2. Derv

    Joah X Zim

    It's called Nightmare and it's art
  3. Much love mang see you on the flip side m8 we've had our fair share of leaving and joining SOBDE back at the same time but I won't be joining you this time brother.
  4. M8 freck just get waived LUL
  5. Stfu we're in a snapchat group bruv or just call me on facetime
  6. ^ almost former boss but mission failed
  7. +1 You still have time to improve on some things but I don't doubt at all that you will a fine Boss hell I improved a lot when I went into a BCMD spot myself. Goodluck and remember it isn't gay to kiss your homies. Former bosses unite!
  8. Great guy spent a lot of time in SOBDE and is completely prepared and capable of leading the Nulls and Brandon Juicy to victory. +1
  9. You were The Unsung hero... no THE UNSUNG SOBDE REG and we'll miss you.
  10. imagine mass dumbing someone for an appropriate post on the forums lol "it's dumb it's old" and then you are over here giving nightmare positive rep for the same thing you've got to be trolling
  11. 10/10 great work overall with the idea and the description of the mission
  12. SOBDE doesn’t like to keep dead lore characters unlike the majority of the servers lore characters
  13. Richard agrees that it’s time for sarrish pepedumb +1
  14. +1 had to do it to dem fr
  15. Bruh are you a nunce head bruv
  16. So like you need to buy gamer glasses first then talk to me.
  17. -1 several reasons stated above
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